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i <br /> Town Clerk—TemvoMa wages <br /> ■ Ms. Dami presented her request for funding additional wages. She detailed the April l <br /> sticker office opening and its need for additional staffing. She noted she is keeping this <br /> employe at'minimum hours and using the current .rt-time employee to cover the <br /> increase in mail for sticker requests. She indicated the sticker season should be mostly <br /> complete by July 15. <br /> a Mr. Patrick made a motion that $1,500 be given to department as requested. Mr. Long <br /> seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. <br /> a Mr. Avis asked if department had ever considered issuing stickers m quarterly sessions by <br /> dividing town's population alphabetically. 'Ms. Rami noted this has been done successfhlly <br /> with dog licenses and is currently under consideration for the other sticker programs. <br /> Finance Committee Bud t <br /> ■ Chairman Umina reviewed the appropriation from the Fm* mce Commi <br />