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NUSHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES <br /> MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 <br /> Present: Gerald Umina, Chairman <br /> Desiree Hendricks-Moreno, Chris Avis, Chuck basior, Bob Hutchinson <br /> Guest: Toni Fudala, Town Planner <br /> Ed Larkin,'Deputy Town Moderator <br /> Joyce Mason, Ton Manager <br /> CALL To ORDER <br /> Chairman Umina called a meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 7;07 p.m. at the Mashpee <br /> Town Hall, Selectmen's Conference Room, a Floor. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Auditor Contract <br /> ■ <br /> Chairman Umina asked if audit firm had received the signed contract. Ms. Mason <br /> confirmed the contract was received. Ms. Mason noted the firm is scheduled to begin audit <br /> in November,ber, and asked for a Committee representative to serve on Audit Committee. <br /> ■ <br /> Mr.. Hutchinson volunteered to serve on Audit Committee. <br /> Warrant Review— <br /> T own Bylaw Amendment Article <br /> ■ Mr. Larkin reviewed the bylaw amendment article. He noted the goal was to bring the <br /> bylaws into conformity with the Charter and state laws. Mr. Larkin explained that some <br /> bylaw chapters were missing or outdated, and that the amendment committee condensed the <br /> bylaws into seven organized sections. Mr. Larkin reported that the amendment will require <br /> majority vote at Town Meeting. <br /> ■ Mr. Avis asked if 11th. Larkin might anticipate any surprises that could arise in Town <br /> Meeting discussion, such as the issue of elected versus appointed status of town personnel. <br /> Mr. Larkin reviewed this particular issue as discussed at previous Torn 11 ting. <br /> Charter Amendment Article <br /> ■ Mr. Fudala remarked upon the article to change guidelines for elected office by town <br /> employees. Mr. Larkin detailed the current guidelines and noted recent appointments to <br /> Board of Health as examples of the appointment process. <br /> ■ Mr. Larkin informed the Committee that as this article was presented by petition, a t o- <br /> thirds vote at Town Meeting is required. In addition, the article must be mailed to all voters <br /> at the ton's expense. Mr. Karlin also expressed concern that this petition will set a <br /> precedent for changing the Charter by petition. <br /> ■ Mr. Fudala agreed the wording of the current Charter is confusing. Mr. Avis led the <br /> committee in a review of the details of the Charter as it pertains to appointed versus elected <br /> positions within the town. Mr. Hutchinson observed the importance of keeping policy <br /> boards of the town elected in order to maintain balance. <br /> ■ Mr. Gasior asked about procedure on voting. Ms. Mason clarified that a two-thirds vote 1s <br /> needed and then the issue will go to town election. Ms. Mason confirmed the article will be <br /> in final Town Meeting Warrant;' _ <br /> ■ fir. Hutchinson asked if the Selectmen have taken a position on this article. Ms. Mason <br /> indicated the Board will not do so until it meets September 12. Ms. Mason noted she will <br /> need the Finance Committee's comments by that date in order to file for publication. <br /> ■ Chairman Umina thanked Mr. Larkin for his attendance at the meeting. <br /> F� <br />