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these should not be expected this year. Committee agreed the budget will be tight for <br /> FY0 . <br /> ■ Mr. Hutchinson suggested making a 3 year tax rate forecast to assist property owners and <br /> town management in long term planning. Mr. Avis agreed with the benefit of establishing a <br /> long-term goal for the town.- Chairmanmina suggested analyzing demographics of the <br /> town to help determine spending needs in the future. <br /> ■ Committee discussed the potential fire substation the Fire Chief hopes to establish. <br /> Committee discussed possibility of sharing territory with neighboring towns. <br /> ■ Mr. Gasior reviewed his discussion with IVIS. Mason regarding new positions in budget. <br /> Ms. Bressi noted the DPW is requesting a full-time position. Mr. Gasior reviewed the <br /> Senior Center's request for a parttime custodial position. <br /> ■ Chairman[ mina reviewed the process for budget submission with town management. He <br /> noted the school department's delay has set the schedule for budget review behind. <br /> ■ Mr. Gasior will begin calculating tax rate for Finance Committee mailing based on <br /> department budget review. <br /> Capital Improvement Committee <br /> Chairman Umina.stated he plans to attend CIP meeting in the coming week. Con nittee <br /> discussed the requests that are to be reviewed at meeting. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Reguest to Transfer—Human Services <br /> ■ Chairman L mina presented a request from Human Services for a transfer from reserve <br /> funds. The amount o $275.00 is requested for a longevity bonus for department personnel, <br /> which was not previously budgeted. <br /> Mr. Hutchinson clarified that longevity amounts are given after five years. Mr. Gasior <br /> noted the amount is usually a percentage of salary. <br /> ■ Mr. Hutchinson made a motion to approve the request; Mr. Avis seconded the motion. <br /> Motion approved unanimously. <br /> ■ Mr. Hutchison questioned whether the request comes from the Fi <br />