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IL <br /> 1 <br /> r' <br /> Mason suggested this would be a good request for Capital Improvement in the next budget <br /> year. <br /> ■ Mr. Hutchinson noted he would like to see the goals of the school department presented <br /> along with spending requests. lair. Hutchinson suggested an article be presented to voters to <br /> review the department's performance. He suggested there should be more to spending than <br /> maintenance of a system that may not-be right. <br /> ■ W. Avis suggested a 3 year plan would be sufficient, noting the school should justify its <br /> budget requests with a vision for the future. <br /> ■ Mx. Hutchinson proposed a 2% increase for the school instead of 3%, and suggested <br /> department implement provisions to balance spending with improvements. He noted the <br /> funding mechanism is the responsibility of the Finance Committee. <br /> a Chai <br />