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Ni <br /> Cat al Ire r o err ent Committee <br /> ■ <br /> Mr. Gasior inquired about the agenda for the Capital Improvement committee. Ms. Mason <br /> and Chairman N ina concurred that the co unittee is currently reviewing requests in order <br /> to prioritize importance. Mr. Patrick asked if the police vehicle Tease expenses are slated t <br /> be moved out of the CIP budget, Ms. Mason confirmed the expense will be moved to the <br /> operating budget. <br /> Overall Bud <br /> getIssues <br /> Committee discussed the schedule for setting the final budget numbers. Ms. Mason noted <br /> the school budget is still forthcoming, and preliminaryin ut has been inconclusive.- Ms. <br /> Mason stated the final numbers will be et on January 20 , and will b sent t the Finance <br /> Con <br />