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4 <br /> Mr. Avis asked lis. Mason for the date,he (Mr. Avis)would pass it around to <br /> everyone through e-mail and whoever wants to sign up for it can do it. <br /> Mr. Gasior had a question about the minutes. He asked if the transfer legislation had <br /> gone into effect. He said it was stated 'in the minutes of 2007 and he had thought it <br /> was in effect now. Mr. Avis stated that it was in effect no ,but the minutes stated <br /> 200 6. Mr. Avis stated that this will need to be amended. Mr. Avis also reiterated the <br /> fact of the transfer check for$5,000.00 from the medical mn uran a account. <br /> Mr. Gaior asked Mr. Avis if he was aware that Ed Larkin, the Assistant Moderator, <br /> was sitting in on the meeting and wanted to address the Committee. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Avis asked if Fd Larkin wanted to address the Board. Mr. Larkin stated that the <br /> committee has done a wonderful job and exceeded their expectations. Secondly, Mr. <br /> Larkin believes that the Moderator should be taking a little more active role,perhaps, <br /> m this process. What Mr, Larkin intends to push for is that every Warrant Article that <br /> is received by the Board of Selectman,that is also going to the Finance Committee, <br /> should be sent to the Town Moderator and Mr. Larkin, as Chairman of the Bylaw <br /> Review Committee, as well as the Assistant Moderator. It is a legislative process and <br /> Mr. Barkin feels it should be followed through completely. lir. Larkin indicated that <br /> the Moderator should be just as informed on the Article and its consequences and so <br /> forth as the Finance Committee is. Mr. Larkin indicated that this is one of a number <br /> of things that he feels should be done, Mr. Larkin indicated that they have a Town <br /> Meeting form of Government,not a Selectman's fonn of Government and he feels the <br /> legislative branch should take a much stronger role in what happens in the Town. <br /> From an active standpoint, Mr. Larkin intends to pursue this in the very near future. <br /> Mr. Larkin is hopeful that he will receive the Finance Committee's support of this <br /> request. <br /> Mr. Larkin also feels very strongly that all the Articles should be submitted to the <br /> ton Moderator and Mr. Larkin at the same time they are received by the board of <br /> Selectman. Mr. Hutchinson asked if the Charter requires that the school system <br /> should hold a public hearing on the budget. Mr. Larkin answered in the affirmative <br /> and also pointed out that there are a lot of things not being done in the charter. Mr. <br /> Larkin stated the school department is going to be hard pressed to relinquish the fact <br /> that the maintenance of the buildings and grounds are now under the DPW and the <br /> Town Manager,not under then. Mr. Larkin believes it is going to be a hard sell for <br /> then, but it is part of the charter and is there for a very good reason. Mr. Larkin <br /> indicated that there was outside hiring being done for cel things and he felt as <br /> though coordination is the right way of going for time and tax saving. Mr. Larki <br />