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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee <br /> March 22,`2018 <br /> T.30 PM <br /> Mash eeTown Hall <br /> Meeting called by: . Debi McManus <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secre#ary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Barbara Nichols <br /> Guests: <br /> The minutes of the January 25, 2018 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Brian Mauro <br /> and second by Barbara Nichols. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> Agenda topic 1] Lake level/Rive outflow <br /> Discussion: The lake levels on Feb.I`t and 15t" were 55.5 and 55.6 ft. above sea level with 14 and 14.5 <br /> inches of water flowing over the board closest to the lake. There were 9.25 and 9.5 inches of water in the <br /> stream by the stairs. On March Ist and 18t" there were 55.6 and 55.99 or 56 feet above sea level and 16 <br /> and 20 inches of water flowing over the board closest to the lake There were 13 and 17 .5 inches of water <br /> in the stream. All levels were reported to Drew McManus in Conservation and in Feb, he was notified <br /> about 2 branches between the jetties, which he removed the end of Feb. On March 18th, after a large <br /> storm, along with the high water, there was a lot of debris caught near the cage. The lake had not been this <br /> high since April and May of 2010, Barbara and Debi both noted shoreline erosion. Drew also noted and <br /> broke up a large debris dam downstream, and noted that other large branches had fallen in the river. Drew <br /> said he planned an AmeriCotps work day to clean out debris between the lake and Mill Pond. Herring <br /> scouts have been seen as far as the mid sections of the Mashpee River. Drew said to let him know if the <br /> lake level did not start to go down. A large amount of precipitation has caused the high water. <br /> The shore line will start eroding when the level exceeds 55.5 ft. above sea level. <br /> Conclusions: The lake level is high and erosion is occurring. Conservation is assisting with debris <br /> removal. <br /> Agenda topic 2J Spring Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Barbara has the newsletter cover done, and gave Debi information on paddleboard regulations <br /> for an article. The listing of bass tournaments will be included. <br /> Conclusions: Articles are needed for the spring newsletter. <br />