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[Agenda"topic 31'11ass'tournaments 2018sj <br /> nj <br /> Diseussion: Barbara obtained the list of bass tournaments from David Diotalevi of the Fish and Game <br /> Dept. Off ice of Fishing and Boating Access. The online listing did not include the number of participants <br /> or the times of the events,but eventually all information was obtained. Barbara found two events that <br /> listed a start time of 6 AM,but the 2012 list of Regulations for Mashpee Wakeby notes a starting time of 7 <br /> AM. Those two permits were reissued with the correct time. No other problems were seen with the event <br /> list. <br /> Conclusions: The list of 2018 bass tournaments has been obtained and will be included in the newsletter. <br /> [Agenda topic 4Fresh Water Quality;"Monitoring, _ <br /> Discussion: As Mike Rapacz did not attend,there was no new information to report. <br /> Conclusions: No new information is available. <br /> [Ageftda topic S� State Boat Ramp " <br /> Discussion. Barbara made a motion to add the ramp as an agenda item which was seconded my Brian <br /> Mauro. Barbara asked Al Turner via email if there was any new information on the ramp repair which <br /> was supposed to be completed by this spring. Al contacted Mr. Diotalevi, who reported he would reach <br /> out to the State Engineer again to see what the status is. The hole created by prop wash needs to be fixed <br /> before the boating season and the first bass tournament is the 31" of this month. Al told Dave that due to <br /> the number of events we approve, the State should make this a priority. <br /> Conclusions: The ramp repair has not been completed. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:06 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />