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2/13/2007 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
2/13/2007 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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S <br /> increase in administrative safes. Joyce has asked for salary surveys and has been told <br /> that hese increases will "bring them lime with the To ". <br /> There was a discussion between Sandra Lindsey and Mary Rose Grady, and Sandra <br /> suggested that perhaps their issues are "management' issues and not necessarily "budget" <br /> issues. Mary Rose agreed. Sandra noted to Mary Rose that the Finance Committee has <br /> arrays been available for there, and strongly expressed that there has not been any <br /> collaboration at all. <br /> Chuck Ga for commented that he has been in Municipal Government for thirty o <br /> years, and has yet to get a handle on the School"s budget. Chuck has met with the <br /> Business Administrator, and suggested a financial analysis of the budget as he was unsure <br /> if it was structurally correct. Chuck stated he would male a Motion that someone do a <br /> financial analysis (someone hired, not the Committee) of the Budget clue to his level of <br /> discomfort with its structure. Chuck stated that he sees questions/errors, as well as things <br /> that do not add up, which are admitted to. Mary Rose stated that Chuck would need to <br /> provide her with examples. Chuck understood Mary Rose's comment on the meed for her <br /> to have examples, but stated this meeting was not the plane to pursue this. <br /> Iden Patrick inter eeted and coniniented that"these folks are trapped in the process", and <br /> "it's all people driven". Iden very strongly defended his stand on the issue of <br /> productivity, and felt this spending would be an upward trend unless the productivity <br /> issue was addressed. Iden wants longer hours of teaching. Mary Rose said that <br /> unfortunately the school clay is a different day than in the corporate world, and Iden stated <br /> that he saw no reason why the teaching day cannot be extended. <br /> Rebecca Romley stated she Feels they are not out of lime in any way as far as payment to <br /> administrators or teachers. Chris Avis has taken a look at the figures as far as the <br /> salaries, but did not understand why the School Department is trying to get their salaries <br /> in line with the Town side. Chris Avis noted and briefly touched upon non-union <br /> employees that have been added. Chris stated that they are not really that far away from <br /> one another as to the Budget(approximately Seven Hundred Thousand and 00/100 <br /> ($700,000.00). Chris also noted that other towns' budget increases are lower, i.e.; <br /> Falmouth (3.1%) increase, Sandwich % increase, Barnstable (5.2%). Rebecca <br /> commented that she felt they were in a little bit of a situation due to their MCA'S scores. <br /> They are driven to improve the scores and school 'improvement. There was a brief <br /> discussion between Mary Rose and Chris clarifying the demographics, and the number of <br /> SPED students enrolled in the Town. Mary Rose wants to improve MCA'S scores. She <br /> warts to go back to a strategic plan with a lot of public input, and different minds <br /> working. Rebecca very strongly defended her stand that this money that is being <br /> requested is needed in order to succeed. <br /> .Tone Mason firmly stated she will not tale from other departments in order to support <br /> the School Department's budget due to the fact that these other departments have given <br /> year after year. There has been an increase of Fifteen(15%)percent to the School <br /> Department's budget in the last three years and they have lost sixty--four 4 students. <br />
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