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■ <br /> Joyce further firmly stated she cannot be convinced that the School cannot start some of <br /> these initiatives with (5.7%) increase. Mary Rose commented that this figure (the 64 <br /> less students) could possibly be five 5 students per grade, and therefore could not result <br /> in the elimination of a teacher. Joyce stated that she did not vara to eliminate teachers, <br /> as that is part of the initiatives. Joyce wants the School to start working on the upward <br /> swing. Bill Johnson likened the School budget to that of a child asking a parent for a <br /> large sura of money, and it was agreed that the child would need to justify the need for <br /> the funds. Mary Rose stated that the School's requested increase can be justified. <br /> Bob Hutchinson and Chris Avis both agreed that upper level management should be held <br /> accountable, especially where paid time off and goals are concerned. Management needs <br /> to oversee staffing in order to avoid overtire pay. Bob further expressed the need for a <br /> streamlined budget, perhaps limited to one 1 page, along nth specific goals. <br /> Bob stated that he did not realize that there was a provision in the Charter that the <br /> Finance Committee did not comply with, that being that the Finance Committee is to hold <br /> a hearing on the Manager's Budget, fourteen 14 days after receipt of the same. Bob <br /> strongly suggested the hearing, giving the opportunity for the Manager to review her <br /> Budget, and also the School Committee, arra Superintendent of Schools in a fog where <br /> those can listen and hopefully better understand what is going on. Bob suggested <br /> scheduling the hearing,thea setting up a meeting in order to vote. Chris Avis will run the <br /> meeting and accept questions in his own format. Bob Hutchinson's own view would be <br /> to hear everyone first, then ask questions. Bob is hoping that this Will better prepare then <br /> for Ton Meeting. <br /> Public Hearing is scheduled for Thursday, March 1 2007, a :00 p.m. at Town <br /> Hall. Joyce Mason will arran a for publication of the same. <br /> Chris Avis, Bob Hutchinson and Bill Johnson continuously stated their support for the <br /> School Department, but firmly kept their stand on the meed for justification. Mary Rose <br /> Grady and Rebecca oml ey at this point excused themselves from the floor-. <br /> Dene' Read addressed the Committee to clarify that the (9.8%) increase was not <br /> approved. <br /> Ian Thayer, Town Accountant, addressed the Committee "as a taxpayer". Dawn <br /> agreed that initiatives should be implemented,and she sloes not want her child reading a <br /> seventeen 1 year old schoolbook. She questioned why her child would be reading an <br /> old textbook, yet To Hundred Ninety Thousand ($290,000.00)and 001100 Dollars is <br /> being prepaid for SPED. Why would these funds not have been applied for the purchase <br /> of the new textbooks? She also noted she has been with the Town during the hiring of <br /> three business managers. Each time a new one is hired,the salary is increased. She <br /> was frustrated because she feels it is the way the administration is choosing to spend <br /> money. Dawn wants to challenge the Superi <br />