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resident petition was discussed regarding having the Water District elections coincide <br /> with the Town elections. There was further discussion amongst Chris Avis, Chuck <br /> `rasior, Bob Hutchinson,,and Joyce Mason. <br /> The two 2 petition funds for the school are still on the Warrant. Joyce Mason noted that <br /> ars amendment needs to be made,and further discussed the process when these petitions <br /> go to Town Meeting. Bob Hutchinson expressed his concern abut the risks of these <br /> petitions. Chris Avis felt that the.risk would be for the stabilization fund due to the <br /> amount of money in the fund(over three nnillion . The free cash fund only has about <br /> $400,000.00 in the account. Temic Cook and Joyce Mason further confirmed the role o <br /> Town Counsel and Moderator, should these petitions go through approval. <br /> Bob Hutchinson risked Joyce Mason when they would see the three 3 year projected <br /> budgets. Joyce Mason commented that she would try to do her best to get this <br /> information for the Committee. Bobwould like to have a simple overview before Town <br /> Meeting. 'Three 3ear prolection is another one of the goals that the Committee <br /> would like added to their action list. Bob would also like to see a copy of the school <br /> contract. Chris commented that he had already requested the financial information. Bob <br /> is concerned-about what it is in the contract. He also raised the issue o "longevity,"" <br /> Chuck Gasior raised discussion on lana hark fu ds bond issues. Chuck and Joyce Mason <br /> discussed how they were going to fund this into the future. Joke Mason confirmed for <br /> Chuck that the Town sloes have a risk manager for such things such as medical insurance. <br /> Chris Arris stated that they do not-have to go "outside" for risk.assessment issues. <br /> Next meeting is Town Meeting, on May 7,2007. Chris Avis stated that the Finance <br /> Committee will meet a half hour(6:30 p.m. prior to Town Meeting, at the High School. <br /> The conference room to be used is-to be determined. <br /> IV. old Business* None. <br /> V. New Business. bone, <br /> VI. Liaison updates. None. <br /> VII. Motion_to„A4journ. Chris Avis moved to adjourn,. Bob Hutchinson seconded. <br /> All were in f or. The Meeting was adjourned t :1 p.m. <br /> espectfu y bmitted by, <br /> Janet A. Lftne <br /> Finance Committee Secretary <br /> 3 <br />