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There was discussion amongst Chuck Gasior, Ken Patrick, and Chris Avis about whether <br /> or not some funds needed to be bonded, or whether cash payments could be made. <br /> Sandra Lindsey asked Ken Patrick about his concerns, and Iden strongly stated he felt <br /> they were-adding excessive debt,to-an already existing debt-structure, Chuck Gasior <br /> assured Iden that this would not contribute to debt, as it has already been pre-paid. Iden <br /> thought buying land for Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars oo,000.00 and 00100 was <br /> a preposterous concept, and felt they already had enough land. Chuck stated that the land <br /> is going to be part of the Sant it Pond conservation area and is.going to help the <br /> watershed which is having trouble surviving because of development(sewerage is going <br /> into the pond). <br /> There was discussion amongst Chuck Gasior, Iden Patrick, Bob Hutchinson and Chris <br /> Avis on wastewater, rubbish disposal,and further discussion on whether it was fusible <br /> for Cape Cod to have its own plant. <br /> Chuck Gasior commented on four projects and the costs associated with the same: <br /> Construction of four units of-affordable housing(rental units); Purchase of 1 .acres; <br /> Expansion of Phase Il of Heritage Park recreation area; Rebuilding of the tennis courts at <br /> Quashnet. Article 14 will be removed from the Warrant. <br /> Ken Patrick revisited his standing on what he feels is a capital item, and what he feels is <br /> -an expense. Bob Hutchinson agreed that Ken's concerns-should be brought up at a future <br /> meeting. This(cavital items vs exvense item will be added to the Committee's list <br /> of goals. <br /> Chris Avis received an email regarding the SENUSS accident. SENUSS is close <br /> Full extent of the damage is unknown-at this time.. Trash from the Cage is <br /> tem orari being diverted to Bourne. Trash from Mashvee Transfer Station will <br /> he all directed to Bourne, however the upper cape facifitv is accepting gash from all <br /> others. There will be no change in the tiRping fee for Mashipee. Joyce Mason <br /> elaborated on this situation further for the Committee,and stated that she wi <br />