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F info cn position n stipends: Bill Johnson initiated discussion on stipends. Chris Avis <br /> ants a clear policy on stipends and a schedule of money, as well as the benefits of the <br /> same, and criteria for providing therm. Mr. Johnson wants "stipend"defined. There was <br /> discussion amongst the Committee (Chuck Gasir) and Joyce Mason regarding the <br /> difference between"salary' and"stipend". Bob Hutchinson Mated his concern on by <br /> received stipend could affect one's retirement benefits, and seniority,to the financial <br /> detriment of the Town. Mir. Johnson does net believe stipends should be used for normal <br /> expenses. Expenses should be submitted for reimbursement. There was further <br /> discussion on how stipends are paid out,when they are paid out,and if they are taxable. <br /> Its. Mason will pull together stipend information for the Committee. <br /> V. New Business, <br /> There was discussion regarding changing the regular Finance Committee meeting dates, and <br /> the it portance of the meetings being televised for public visibility. mer_brief discussion, it <br /> was decided that the meetings would tale qlace on evqa other Thursda , ....,,. <br /> Joyce Mason confirmed for Chuck Gasior that the Fail Town fleeting date is on <br /> October 15,2007, and July 9,2007 is the Article cut-off deadline. <br /> VI. Liaison Updates. None. <br /> VIS. Motion to Adjourn, ill hason moved to adjourn* Chuck Gasior seconded. <br /> All were in f r. The eeting as adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Next Meetina is onJu!l <br /> 12,2007a :3o <br /> Respect ll urr itt dby, <br /> Jan e <br /> F i ance mmitt a Ser Lary <br />