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Use of Executive Session: Them was brief discussion regarding the use of Executive <br /> Session, and Sandra Lindsey's handout regarding Open Meeting Lav was also discussed, <br /> and policy and procedure of the sub-committee, Bob Hutchinson commented further on <br /> policy and procedure, and whether or not there needs to be Minutes of the meetings. <br /> Sandra Lindsey noted that according to Open Meeting Law,mutes must be taken. <br /> Finance Committee replacement member: Bill Johnson had a brief discussion with FIs. <br /> Mason, Ms. Cook,and the Committee regarding ideas for making the Finance Committee <br /> position more appealing. One of the ideas was a job fair. Joke confirmed that the <br /> advertisements for the position are still on-going. The Committee discussed difficulty in <br /> general of getting people on Boards and stated that since there are no major issues, or <br /> high taxes,there sloes not seem to be an interest. There was discussion of promoting <br /> Board seats to High School seniors to get therm interested, and possibly involved. <br /> Janice Mills addressed the Committee and discussed her thoughts on how the School <br /> Department is perceived through the media. She feels the many new officials are also <br /> "tiew>'to the Cape with ideas of their oven from their prior Cities and Towns. She stated <br /> further they (the new officials) feel can run Mashpee with their own ideas, and feels it <br /> intimidates the residents. <br /> FinCom web Dagg u date: Bill Johnson and Sandra Lindsey discussed the format of the <br /> web page. lis. Lindsey will work with Bruce Stello to enhance the format. Mr. Johnson <br /> wants more information on web page, and posting of the Agenda and Minutes. <br /> FinCom Agendadistribution: Chris Avis reviewed his own procedures for Bill Johnson <br /> regarding posting and distribution of the Agenda. Janice Mills requested that the School <br /> Committee be added to the distribution list. Bill Johnson also requested Board Secretary <br /> to have additional copies available during the meetings for the public and others <br />