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7/26/2007 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
7/26/2007 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Ms. Mason stated the amount of"certified free cash"in the operating budget will be affected, but <br /> that FY08 will not be affected, and there will be no shortfall. IVIS. Mason further stated that the <br /> Town has not gore don in bond rating. There was also discussion on whether the Town <br /> interest rate is based on amount of free cash available. <br /> Bob Hutchinson, Chris Avis, and Joyce Mason discussed growth in the Town. Bob Hutchinson <br /> discussed his serious concern of a potential override, and his strong feelings on how it would <br /> affect the Town. <br /> Wastewater IVlana ement Status: No change in status. Sandra Lindsey commented that they are <br /> still working on scenarios. Ms. Lindsey and Bob Hutchinson had a brief discussion on the <br /> studies that are in progress and the status of the same. <br /> Status of Three Year Financial Flan: Rene' lead updated the Committee by stating that he <br /> expects to have the reports available by the end of August, 2007. <br /> Redone School Department Power Point Presentation: Ann Bradshaw summarized her March, <br /> 2007 presentation and her progress, as well as her strategic plan(which she wants to share with <br /> Fin Coni). Ms.. Bradshaw stated that MCA's scores are in line with values of hones. In <br /> Mashgee,,the highest MCA's scores were e grade Math, and the lowest were 8hgrade Math, <br /> and 4 grade English. Ms. Bradshaw anticipates a whole new set of scores in August or <br /> September, 2007. There was discussion amongst Ann Bradshaw, Bob Hutchinson on the <br /> comparisons of scores with other Town, and if they are based on demographics, number of <br /> SPED students, etc. Chris Avis inquired as to why Mashpee is only compared to other <br /> eonununities on the Cape. Joyce Mason responded that the DOE website gives ranges of all <br /> eonununities in the State, and indicates that 1Vlashpee is 131 out of 358. <br /> Town Salary Anal Lis-Status: Bill Johnson noted that compensation is the single largest line <br /> item on the budget. Mr. Johnson wants this item to be in line with other towns, and will provide <br /> further information at a later date. Mr. Johnson wants to be able to"tell taxpayers, in the Town <br /> of Ma.shpee, where their money is going, and why". <br /> Status of New Lib Fundin & Construction: Joyce Mason and Bill Johnson had a brief <br /> discussion regarding the status of the Grant. Ms. Mason stated that she was not certain of the <br /> status at this point in time. Ms. Mason did confirm that there is a September 1, 2007 deadline. <br /> New Town Meeting Warrants: It was agreed by the Committee that review of the <br /> warrants would be delayed until after the August 6, 2007 hoard of Selectmen's Meeting. <br /> Sandra Lindsey invited Mary Rose Grady to speak before the Committee, and IVIS. Grady <br /> briefly discussed the petition article, and it's relevance to Chapter 70 funds. Ms. Grady <br /> advised the Committee that when the School fmt petitioned for funds, in the amount of <br /> To Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($290,000.00) and 00/100, it was not well thought <br /> out, and rushed. Her goal is to not have any shortfalls, and come to a resolution. Joyce <br /> Mason confirmed for Chris Avis that an Article needs to be on the Warrant for the transfer <br /> of Chapter 70 funds. <br /> 2 <br />
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