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Mashpee Finance Committee Minutes <br /> March 20,2008 <br /> PUBLIC Hl AR1NG <br /> Mashpee'Town Hall,Room# 1 <br /> Meeting called to order at: Chaim=Bill Johnson called the meeting of the Finance <br /> Committee to order at 6:33 p.m. at the Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Bill Johnson,Chairman; Sandra Lindsey, Clerk; Bob Hutchinson; ChrisAvis; <br /> Oskar Klenert; Lynda Cargo <br /> Absent: Chuck Gasior,vice Chairman <br /> Others: Joyce Mason,n,Town Manager; Rene' Read,Assistant Town Manager; Terrie <br /> Cook; Irian Kerhl(Mashpee Enterprise); Ann Bradshaw; Patricia Lugo* Mary lose <br /> Grady;Jason Streebel; Police Chief Rodney Collins; Fire Chief George Baker; Catherine <br /> Laurent; Peter White <br /> LARRroval of Minutes: lone. <br /> H.Corres ondence: <br /> Chairman Johnson opened the meeting by stating the primary purpose of the meeting was for <br /> open public discussion by some of the lamer department hems. <br /> Joyce Mason reviewed the Town of Mashpee Budget overview F Y09. Questions were wised by <br /> Chainnan Johnson regarding sources of revenue, and Mr. Johnson voiced concern that there <br /> would be a major risk if revenue projections were not met. Bob Hutchinson also inquired about <br /> the %increase in school spending, and if there will be a potentially significant property tax <br /> increase. Jason Streebel addressed Mr. utchinson's concerns by stating property values have a <br /> direct correlation with tax rate, growth is tight, and he does expect a significant increase in the <br /> tax rate. Mr. Streebel confirmed for Chris Avis that his ratable base of-0.5%carne from <br /> examining sales of calendar year Zoo . <br /> Chief Rodney Collins presented charts in response to questions of staffing and overtime,and <br /> reviewed the expenditures. Chief Collins clarified for Oskar Klenert that the chart was for the <br /> fiscal year. Bob Hutchinson noted significant overtime as the percentage of the budget,and <br /> asked Chief Collins to briefly explain staffmg so the community understands how many vehicles <br /> are on the road during a 2 -hour period. Memorial Day through Labor Day require additional <br /> sing on weekends. Mr. Hutchinson also strongly questioned the ratio of sick time compared <br /> to staff. Chief Collins has advised command staff that he cannot afford overtime. Staff has <br /> elected to take compensation time. Regarding the absentee rate for police officers,this is clue to <br /> Sergeant's off duty accident, and a surgical procedure of another employee(which reclined <br /> significant time off). Chief Colli <br />