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� }. <br /> maintenance, which was due to costly repairs. Lynda Carroll inquired about the Department's <br /> use of private garage for repairs, m order to control costs. Extended warranties on vehicles <br /> were also discussed. <br /> Chief Baker responded to i qui i s regarding the ire recall line. Chris Avis commented about <br /> the approximate °/o increase. Chief Baker explained the fire recall and mum staffing <br /> needs of the Department. Calls are not stacked. Recall line directly correlates to how many calls <br /> come m, and saves money by filling in the gaps(and not hiring another person). Recall is paid at <br /> overtime rate, which averages approximately Thirty-Nine Dollars($39,00)and oo oo per hour. <br /> Chairman Johnson inquired if a work day for a fire fighter is 24 hours, and Chief Baker <br /> responded that an arbitrator ordered the 24 hour shifts. Chris Avis inquired about fire <br /> manapFement overtime and actual overtime. The Nightclub Safety Act enforcement resulted in <br /> management overtime. Chief Baker stated that he not alto this line item to increase. It <br /> never decreases,but if there are no funds left, management takes compensation time. Chief <br /> Baker also reconfirmed st ffrng needs(winter/summer)for Lynda Carroll, and responded to Bob <br /> Hutchinson by briefly discussing the glitch which was discovered in the lap tops. ,Average <br /> firefighter pay is Sixty Thousand Dollars($60,,000.00)and 00/100,plus an additional Tbirty <br /> Thousand Dollars 30,000.00 and 00 100 in benefits. Chief Baker stated that overtime pay is <br /> more cost effective,and is suggesting bumping up Medicaid to full rate to bring in the max <br /> revenue and offset the budget. A trend noted is that communities are switching back to the fire <br /> department(from private vendors). <br /> 'treasurer David Leary discussed the debt schedule,and coed the impact of the library and <br /> substation will not be seen until FY2011. Chairman Johnson inquired about wastewater <br /> management and whether the voters understand that this is coming down the road and will <br /> involve substantial numbers. Joyce Mason n esti ated the funding to be 520 million to 600 <br /> million(approximately) and the Town will look to funding sources, including the water District. <br /> Both IVs. Mason and Oskar Ilenert expressed strong concern about the significant expense. <br /> Catherine Laurent discussed the modified DPW budget,which reflected some decreases. Some <br /> of the decrease was due to reorganization. The tipping fee is currently just over$37.00, and <br /> there is a possible increase. Budget number is based on 7500 tons. The Town does get some <br /> back in reimbursements. Recycling and the benefits of the same were discussed, as well as a <br /> "pay as you g "fee. Educating the public is being used as a way to encourage the public to <br /> recycle, as well as remodeling the transfer station. Free warden equi <br />