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and Town Hall, as well as other locations. Mr. Chase clarified for Bill Johnson that Twenty <br /> Three Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Eight ($23,758.85) and 8 5/1oo is payment for <br /> adnnistrative services, A Veterans' Services web site is currently process. <br /> Discussion with Paul 1Vlor eastern. vice Char an Gasior introduced Mr. Morgenstern, a <br /> resident of New Seabury for the last eighteen years,and owner of an environmental <br /> consulting firm. He is formerly from Lexington, Massachusetts, and former Captain of the <br /> United States Air Force. Mr. Morgenstern.discussed the Statistical Characteristics of <br /> Revenues, and the process he used his analysis. Mr. Morgenstern further reviewed some <br /> of the ways this information could be useful to the Committee. Joyce Mason shared her <br /> concerns with using Mr. Morgenstern's formula, and questioned some of the figures. Oskar <br /> I lenert thought that the information would be a good tool, and has its benefits. Bill Johnson <br /> expressed concem about variability(questions drastic changes) and possible misuse. It was <br /> agreed that the Committee will review Mr. Morgenstern's project, and will present any <br /> questions that,.they night have. Vice Chairman Ga for pointed out that there is some value in <br /> continuing Mr. Morgenstern's research.. Chairman Lindsey wants indi iduai email <br /> regarding Mr. Morgenst rn's presentation. Mr. Morgenstern confirmed for Mr. Gasior that <br /> Revenues estimated for 6130108 would have been clone in March,2007. <br /> Presefitation by School Department Ann Bradshaw commented that she is pleased with the <br /> budget development process and School Cottee sub-committee meetings. Ms. Bradshaw <br /> made a slide presentation about the School Committee's Mission, enrollment decline <br /> (M* CludingSPED, out of district, Private, Charter, Choice and Home School students) and <br /> } enrollment trends, staffing(union and non-union), 2008 MCAS Pass Rates and proficiency <br /> levels, areas of improvement,FY07 base expenditures, and her Points of Pride. IVIS. <br /> Bradshaw commented about a large number of residency issues which needed to be <br /> addressed around the first month of the school year, and the benefits of advanced placement. <br /> Kindergarten classes are much larger than the School Committee would like them to be. Ms. <br /> Bradshaw will research and provide information regarding differences in improvement <br /> between male and female students. <br /> Audit. The Auditors prepared three audits. During the fmdings process the auditors worked <br /> closely with Patricia Lugo. Recommendations were then given.- The findings were nimimal <br /> and recommendations were general. One of the recommendations was to get a policies and <br /> procedures in place and in writing(for the budget process). Regarding intemal controls over <br /> budget preparation,the biggest f~mating was that there was "nothing in writing": Expense/non <br /> salary budgets is being focused on this year. A Chapter 30B procurement class was attended <br /> by three members, and it has helped therm th the procurement process. The Auditor <br /> sampled 20 disbursements, and discovered only 2 to3 findings that the auditors were not <br /> comfortable with. Chairman Lindsey inquired about a time frame, and Patricia Lugo expects <br /> to have everything i place by spring. Patricia Lugo feels that the departments and staff are <br /> being very conscientious about the budget process. <br /> IV. old-Business: School Board of Selectmen/Finance Committee workshop—reschedule. <br /> Joyce Mason stated that the workshop has been deferred until the spring. <br /> 1/8/2009 2 <br />