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2 <br /> Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education suggested that Cape Cod <br /> Tech is "below net school spending". This department oversees the Chapter 70 funding. <br /> Per pupil expenditure is approximately$18,000.00. lir. Sanborn confmned for Bob <br /> Hutchinson that a contract is in place with the collective bargaining units. Mr. Hutchinson <br /> inquired if there is any current legislature working on changing the formula used to calculate <br /> the assessment. Mr. Sanborn stated that there is reluctance to any change at this time. <br /> Chris Avis inquired about Cape Cod Tech's"free cash" account. Joyce Mason confirmed that <br /> in past gears,unused monies have been returned to the Town. Mr. Avis is concerned that a <br /> return of funds would be made in a later fiscal year,Bill Johnson had questions regarding <br /> FYI o enrollment and clarification of the school's fiscal year. Sandra Lindsey initiated <br /> discussion whether cutbacks were evenly divided amongst towns. Joyce Mason is concerned <br /> about"building in"the 20%reduction,then waiting for a retina at the end of the year. <br /> Vice Chairman Chuck Gasior inquired about the approval process of the budget. The <br /> approval of the budget requires two-thirds majority vote. <br /> Mary Rose Grady haquimd about cutbacks, including staff and programs at Cape Cod Tech. <br /> Rob Fleming,Cape Tech representative, conunented that he clues not want to shortchange the <br /> students. Cost per student is high,and equipment for education's expensive. <br /> Sandra Lindsey inquired about a prohibition on voting. Further,Ms. Lindsey sey acknowledged <br /> that opinions did not meet at the presentation, and expects Haat the "Ton Manager would <br /> push for the lowest possible number for them to be working with" <br /> V. New Business* Review Warrant. Joyce Mason stated Board of Selectman has not yet <br /> done the initial review. 'Terrie Cook commented voting will begin on Monday, March 9th. <br /> Bob Hutchinson proposed review on March 12th, then vote with Selectmen on March 16th. <br /> Vote on Rema%ning�Budget,Items. <br /> Capital Jmmovements. ON HOLD. Discussion was raised regarding the purchase police <br /> vehicles as opposed to a lease, The Capital hnprovement Committee recommended funds <br /> from the lease of police vehicles go into the police operating budget, and funds would be <br /> used strictly for leasing vehicles. Chief of Police would have flexibility on whether to lease <br /> • or purchase vehicles. Bill Johnson stated leasing is an operating cost.,and purchase is a <br /> capital acquisition. Joyce Mason suggested review of By-Law prier to a final decision. <br /> Conservation Commission. Chris Avis moved to approve the budget IWthe amount o <br /> One Hundred 'Three Thousand Nine Six($153,096.00)jQand 00/100. vice <br /> Chairman Gasior seconded. -o. Unanimous. <br /> 311312009 2 <br />