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3 <br /> Rene' head spoke on behalf of Tom Fudala relative to a budget item. Mr. Fudala would like <br /> to increase budget line item from$115,00 to$118:00 (ora page 11 in-the Warrant). Chairman <br /> Lindsey stated this request Will be addressed at the next meeting. . <br /> Mr. Peter White addressed the Committee and inquired if the Committee still had an interest <br /> in renewable energy. There is a staff level energy committee within the Town. Bob <br /> Hutchinson suggested expanding the energy committee to additional members. bene' Read <br /> ill provide information to the Committee at the next meeting. There was discussion i bated <br /> by fir. White on purchasing alternative fael hybrid vehicles. <br /> Bill Johnsen suggested moving forward with suggestions and recommendations for next year <br /> in order to get the"`effect into next year's budget." <br /> Association of Town Finance Committees. Chairman Lindsey reviewed and presented <br /> information on a meeting to be held in Boston,April 16,2009 11:45 a.m.— 1:15 p.m. on the <br /> stimulus package. Those interested can respond and attend. <br /> VI-FinCom Liaison dates: No discussion. <br /> V1I.Items for Next Meeting. Tuesday,April 7, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. Finalize the Summary <br /> of FinCom Warrant Analysis; Tom Fudala to be invited to next meeting by Rene' Read; <br /> Energy Committee update;Draft cover letter includingwastewater; Meting with slice <br /> Chairman Gasior to include Bonding,reason for turning cloven newest land purchase, Cape <br /> Tech, and tax rate, and adding an extra column to debt schedule to explain items that are <br /> short term. <br /> vIII.Motion to Ad�ourn: Bob Hutchmnson moved to adjourn meeting of the Finance <br /> Committee. Chris Avis seconded.All in favor. Meeting was adjourned at 7:48 la.m. <br /> Next Meeting• Aril 7,2009,at :30 p.m. at Mashpee Town Half. <br /> espec bmitted by, <br /> Jane A. ane <br /> Finance Committee Secretary <br /> 4119/2009 3 <br />