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a. <br /> Capital budgets were due yesterday, Dec. 'I 6t, 201 , and wl II-be revie gyred soon. A representative <br /> from the Finance'Committee will be required to attend each of these review meetings —Joyce will <br /> provide a schedule of these meetings to the Finance Committee. <br /> _Projected F e enues. Bill Johnson asked about projected revenues for the coming year.- Joyce <br /> Mason stated that new construction is down, but the addition of Walgreen's and some other <br /> anticipated new retail outlets will increase the town's tax basis. Joyce stated that the estimated <br /> real estate tax revenue for 2010 was 1 ,o , and it carne in at $10,400, The tax rate for 201 <br /> ill be set on Monday} 12/06/10. <br /> Rainy Day Fund. Oskar Klenart asked about the status of the Rainy Day Fund. Joyce Mason <br /> stated that the fund currently is at $3.9MM. over % but short of the town's 10% goal. Five or six <br /> ears ago, the t ern was able to add free cash to the rainy day fund but for the lost two years, this <br /> has not been possible. Joyce Mason stated that the town was hoping for a bond rating increase <br /> up to triple A, but this did not happen; the rate stayed the same. The State noted that this was <br /> not a reflection on the town's fiscal policy which is very strict, and that, in fabt, other tonins have <br /> experienced a decrease in their bond ratings, The town received a 3% borrowing rate for the <br /> library debt_ . <br /> Debt Level. Bili Johnson arcked about the town's debt level. Joyce Mas n stated that the goal of <br /> the town's auditor is to keep the debt level somewhere between 7 to 10% of the overall operating <br /> debt budget. However, the St. Vincent's property sale was not a part of the town's plan, which <br /> raised the debt level, but Joyce Mason n stated that within a few years, the long-term.debt level will <br /> decrease. <br /> Bill Johnson asked about a debt restructuring plan for the town, as borrowing rates are now at a <br /> lover level. Joyce Mason stated that the tern did a debt refunding about 8 years ago, and a good <br /> chunk of the town's debt is already at a very lover rate. Joyce added that the Planning <br /> Construction Committee will be presenting a five-year capital program budget based on <br /> assessment of necessary repairs for public buildings. <br /> Waste Water Treatment Plan. Oskar Klenart asked the question as to whether the Town is in a- <br /> po ition to bond the initial expenditure of a waste water treatment system-for Mashpee. Joyce <br /> Mason stated that she has begun conversations with the Selectmen abet this, and although it Is <br /> still early', it is time the Town starts looking at every funding program that is available. Joyce <br /> Mason stated that a taste force needs to be established to look at how the-torn will pay for a <br /> waste water treatment system for l arshpee, and it needs to be incorporated into the town's long <br /> tern capital program. <br /> epartmental Budget Meetings* Oskar Klenart rern1nded-the C om m itt a members of their <br /> liaison assignments to attend the budget reviews for the various town departments. Joyce <br /> Mason will provide the Committee with a schedule of the departmental budget reviews. Thea i <br /> no liaison assigned for Cape Tech. Robert Chalker volunteered to substitute for any committee <br /> members who will be unable to make their liaison meeting assignments. <br /> Tax Rate Increase. Chris Avis stated his concern to the committee about the Ilashpee <br /> taxpayers who are struggling to keep food on the table, in contrast to those who are'comfortably <br /> able to afford an increased tax rate. Joyce Mason stated that she is very sensitive to this <br /> problem, and is gearing up to confronting the reality of another tough year ahead. Joyce stated <br /> that her focus is on hover to deliver the basic required services to the town residents without <br /> 2 <br />