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4 <br /> J <br /> impacting the taxpayers. The committee members agreed to work in tandem with Joyce on <br /> meeting this goal. <br /> GENERAL DISCUSSION <br /> 1. Review of o cto ber 2010 Torn Fleeting - creation of Two Libra ry staff Positions <br /> Although the Finance Committee was split on approval of creation of two additional library staff= <br /> positions} the hoard of Selectmen was in favor of the issue, whish probabir swayed most voters <br /> to approve the article. . Joyce Mason reminded the committee that approval of the creation of the <br /> new staff positions does not ensure funding approval for the positions in the future, and very well <br /> may not happen. <br /> . CPA Funding <br /> Oskar Klenert asked the question as to what happens to the.CPA Funding. There has never <br /> been an accounting given as to how this $1.1 MM has been split up, and the committee would <br /> like to see a breakdown of where it goes. <br /> Joyce Mason stated that there are certain requirements as to what the town must fund. The <br /> Open Space portion does not reed to be funded. However, the town must set asidel 0% of the <br /> difference for Affordable Housing and for Historic Preservation- There are two deadlines for <br /> applications each year, and any leftover funds are re-appropriated to the next year. Joyce stated <br /> that there is talc of putting the 10% for Affordable Housing into the Affordable Housing Trust so <br /> that the town can do an affordable housing project itself. The Accounting, Office at Town Hall <br /> maintains a full accounting of the CPA funding and the information is available to the public. <br /> Joyce will provide the Finance Committee with a breakdown of the CPA Funding. <br /> Chris Arris Trude a motion that the Finance Committee invite Randy Hunt, William Keating, and <br /> Mr. Vieira to a future Finance committee meeting with topics for discussion to be determined in <br /> advance. A list of topics to be discussed will be provided to the invitees. Mark Davini seconded <br /> the motion. The motion was unanimously passed. <br /> The Finance Committee members will submit suggested topics for discussion for review at the <br /> next Finance'committee meeting. <br /> . school Committee <br /> George Schmidt stated that he had attended two School Committee meetings since the last <br /> Finance Committee meeting. At the first meeting, there was a question about movement of <br /> $3000 from a travel account to Anne Bradshaw's salary, the reason given that it had something to <br /> do with the retirement system. At the second meeting the school budget was discussed. The <br /> School Com mitt a budget proposed by the town was level funded at 18,260 and they are up <br /> total of $628,866 for a variety of reasons. Some are step_increases in salary, projected increases <br /> its transportation costs, negotiated salary increases, special education transportation, out of <br /> district tuition. The total gasp is $1,700,000 and an offset of$386,000 brings the total amount <br /> down to $828,866. Anne Bradshaw indicated that this is a preliminary number. <br /> Mr. Schmidt stated that there was an extended discussion on the use.of the computer programs <br /> Excel versus Munis. Mr. Schmidt summarized the discussion by saying that the basic objection <br /> carne from Administrator Anne Bradshaw, who stated that once the numbers were entered into <br /> Munis, they are locked in and cannot be changed until such time as after Town ll,lleetin.g. Ms. <br /> Bradshaw stated that because of the fluidity of the situation, this does not work for the School <br /> Committee. <br />