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• <br /> i <br /> . School committee Liaison Report—Robert Chalker <br /> Robert Chalker reported that at the last school Committee meeting, it was announced that school <br /> lunches would be increased by 5 cents, effective January 1, 2012, mandated by the federal <br /> government. The price for a school lunch will go from $2.25 to $2.30. <br /> Superintendent Ann Bradshaw announced that the school budget for 2013 is going to be very tight, <br /> losing $300,000 in grant money which should not have been used for salaries. Also mentioned <br /> were added district expenses, and eight bins monitors to be added at $20 per hour for$28,800 per <br /> year, to supervise half of the school buses servicing the Quashnet and Coombs schools. The <br /> money will come from money paid to Il ashpee schools by other school districts under the School <br /> Choice Program. sic students from other school districts have opted to come to either Quashnet <br /> or Coombs schools, meaning that Mashpee expects to receive $30,000 in funding paid by the <br /> students' home districts. <br /> NEXT MEETING <br /> The next meeting of the f=inance Committee is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 8th 2011, at 6:30 <br /> PM, ll ashp a Town Hall. As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 <br /> Pm. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ina G.Sc ohne <br /> Fecordin secretary <br /> attachment <br /> 3 <br />