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NEIN BUSINESS <br /> 1. Review of Warrant Articles for the October Town Meeting, <br /> The committee members reviewed together the Annual Town Meeting Articles outlined in Draft 2, <br /> dated /18111. It was agreed that the following articles merited further clarification: <br /> Article: "To see if the Town will Grote to appropriate and transfer $50,000 from the <br /> Waterways I m pr vernent Fund Account to the Waterways Dredging Account, or take any <br /> other action relating thereto." Submitted by Waterways Commission <br /> The committee agreed that'Ken Pates, Commissioner of Waterways, should be invited to the <br /> 9/0 8/11 Finance Committee meeting for clarificartion/discussion of the proposed article. <br /> Article: "To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer from the Community <br /> Preservation Fund $64,1 o for the purposes of funding recreational Irnprovernents to the <br /> Pickerel Cove Recreational Area, including any necessary costs and expenses related <br /> thereto as recommended by the CPC. <br /> The committee agreed that Catherine Laurent should be invited to the 9/08/11 Finance Committee <br /> meeting for'further clarification/discussion of the proposed article. <br /> Article: "To see if the Town will vote to appropriate and transfer from the Community <br /> Preservation Fund $357,000 for the purposes of funding the Santuit Pond Restoration <br /> Project by using an artificial aeration and circulation system, as recommended by the CPC-." <br /> The committee agreed that Catherine Laurent should be asked to clarify/discuss this proposed <br /> article at the 9108111 Finance Committee meeting. George Schmidt recommended that John <br /> Kabat, from the Friends of Santuit Pond, and Allen Waxman also be invited to attend. <br /> Article: "To see if the Town will vote to amend Article 2.1-Annual Town Meeting and <br /> Election of the Town'sBy-Laws and Article 3 of the Mashpee Town charter." <br /> The committee agreed that Don Myers, who submitted the Article, should be invited to the 9108/11 <br /> Finance Committee meeting for further clarification/discussion of the proposed article. <br /> eh ristopher Avis will incorporarte time slots into the Finance Committee meeting agenda for 9103111 <br /> for each of the four invitees: lien Bates, Catherine Laurent, John Kabat, and Don Myers. <br /> 2. Transfer Requests <br /> There were no transfer requests. Joyce Mason on stated that the town accountant will be closing the <br /> books tomorrow, August 2 ". <br /> OPEN DISCUSSION <br /> 1. Association of Town Financial Committees <br /> George Schmidt made a motion that the Mashpee Finance Committee join the Association of Town <br /> Financial Committees for the corning year. Oskar Klenert seconded the motion. The motion was <br /> unanimously approved. <br /> . Letter from Michael Horne, Mashpee Athletic Director <br /> r <br /> Chris Avis reported receipt of a letter from Michael Horne thanking the committee for its continued <br /> support of Mashpee athletics over the years, and included passes to football and basketball games <br /> for the 2911-12 school year. A letter of appreciation will be seat to Mr. Home for the free passes. <br /> 2 <br />