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4N <br /> (NewBusiness, oont'd <br /> (2) Joyce Mason requested a transfer from the reserve account of$10 336 to continue a contract <br /> to fund a part time library circulation employee salary that currently is being funded by donations <br /> from the Friends of the Library. The-donati ns have been expended, and the Library Trustees are <br /> reluctant to go back to the Friends to request a continuation of the donations. In order for the <br /> library to maintain its current hours of operation, the part time circulation assistant is a necessity. <br /> Ms. Mason stated that given the fact that the library has proven the reed: and they are willing to <br /> work with the Town to wait until the May 2013 Town Meeting to request that the circulation <br /> assistant position be ,made permanent, she agreed to bring the request to the Finance Committee <br /> for approval-of the transfer request. <br /> Discussion followed. Charles Gasior stated that the new Ma tepee library has been a huge <br /> success, and the town has an obligation to staff the building to meet the needs. Mark Davini asked <br /> whether the library tracked the flow of the busiest days during the week. Ms. Mason stated that <br /> Monday and Wednesday were the two lightest days of the week. <br /> Christopher Avis stated his feeling that the reserve fund is to be used for extraordinary and <br /> unforeseen emergency situations only, and that this particular library staff situation does not meet <br /> those requirements. Mr. Avis suggested that the library remain open part time on Monday and/or <br /> Wednesday, to eliminate total closing of the library on those days. <br /> Charles Gasior made a motion that the Finance Committee authorize and approve the <br /> appropriation and expenditure of$10,336 for the purpose of hiring a contract 19-hour circulation <br /> assistant through June 30, 2013, for the following reasons: <br /> a this is a one time appropriation and should net be considered precedent-setting on the <br /> library or any other department of the municipality <br /> b in recognition of the excellent response to the use of the library, and the Librarry Board of <br /> Trustees withdrawal of their article from the October town Fleeting <br /> Theresa Cook seconded the motion. The motion was denied by a vote of - (Theresa Cook, <br /> yes; Charles Gasior, yes, Mark Davini, no; Christopher Avis, no; Gorge Schmidt, no . <br /> Christopher Avis reiterated the fact that the primary reason for denial of the library request was <br /> because the request did not meet the requirement•of an unforeseen emergency situation. <br /> Joyce Mason stated that the library has MA Education Grant money f ,000 available as well <br /> as a donation line from the Trustees of$31,000, which could be used toward coverage of the part- <br /> time circulation assistant. <br /> Liaison Reports <br /> School Committee: George Schmidt <br /> • George Schmidt reported that the Association of Town Finance Committees will have an <br /> educational session on October 20th at the Tri-County Regional vocational Technical High <br /> School, Franklin* MA. Registration fee is $45.00. <br /> • George Schmidt reported on an announcement ent from the School Department regarding the <br /> l ashpee High School senior Project exhibition October 1 1h9 2012, in the high school <br /> cafeteria, for the purpose of presenting project ideas for seniors. <br /> Theresa Cook was assigned as the Finance Committee liaison to General Expenses, <br /> replacing Chris Avis from that assignment. <br /> 2 <br />