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r <br /> 2 <br /> Fire Station Building Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> August 18, 1999 <br /> REPORTOF TEE ARCHITECT: <br /> To remain within the intended budget appropriation, $212,000 has been <br /> removed from the initial estimate. The revised budget includes a 4% <br /> contingency that was not part of the original figure. The design <br /> contingency estimate will fund unforeseen conditions and items not <br /> considered in the initial design documentation. <br /> Mr. May indicated that he would present the revised design changes to the <br /> cost estimator to obtain a more definitive construction estimate.* <br /> Upon approval, final cost estimates based upon construction documents <br /> will be obtained prior to the bid process phase of the project. <br /> Greg Taylor,the Director of Public Works was consulted with respect to <br /> site work. The P has the ab'ht to assist with general site conditions <br /> relative to onsite clearing and paving. l r, Taylor suggested the Architect <br /> separate the estimate from the contract proposal at this time. <br /> Design changes to reduce construction costs include the reduction of the <br /> basement area from 41650 sq. f . to 2,785 s . ft. The area has been <br /> reconfigured to include the elevator and the fitness room. <br /> The arrangement of the first floor was reviewed. The building maintains <br /> controlled access in the lobby area with accessible restroom facilities, the <br /> elevator and stairways for public use. <br /> The Committee requested the Architect further review space needs for the <br /> flow of the first aid room. It was noted that daily blood pressure <br /> clinics are conducted in this area. Pfivacy and space is often necessary. <br /> Mr. May was also requested to further identify and reorganize the sleeping <br /> [/{-quarters to allow for adequate comfort and flow. Presently,there are three <br /> double and one single bunk room facilities at the existing station. <br /> T eay room as configured will accommodate the existing fur ping <br /> and a maximum of twelve employees during mealtime. <br /> The second floor was reduced from 3,975 sq. ft. to 3,706 sq. ft. although; <br /> the classroom/ on the second floor has been increased in <br /> size. The total floor area reduction is 2,974 sq. ft. <br />