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Board of Library Trustees <br /> '12/ll/ l . <br /> I : P. Me <br /> Page 2 <br /> D. Helene wanted to explain the holiday hours at the library. The <br /> library will be closed December 24th and December 25th. It -is <br /> the Town' s policy that Town Hall is closed if the 24th is a week- <br /> day, Therefore, the library has the same hours , and the library <br /> will also be closed January 1st., <br /> E., In answer to Ann Ma Donad.' s question, David explained that at <br /> the last meeting., it was hoped that their could have a collective <br /> meeting with some of the selectmen, our- building committee, our <br /> trustees, Mashee Conmrons. David- had asked, for a couple of dates . <br /> Part of our request of then was to discuss alternative sites * <br /> Doug Storrs , Sr., V. P. , kind of the driving force, 'asked for a <br /> copy of the- engineering plans, the feasibility -study, were we <br /> going to go one floor or two floors . That would have to coo <br /> with being site specific. Davl*.d answered to the best of his <br /> knowledge. He thought we were going to be two floors , ev en .if <br />. we did not do an entire build-out when e built; we would like- to <br /> have some room for expansion. Relative to parking spaces , David - <br /> suggested <br /> avi lsuggested they could expect between 7and 90 parking spaces . <br /> David cropped off his copy of'- the grant application which. had <br /> everything in its e timet r . so that Doug could have that. David <br /> chid not get a sense that they would be anything but cooperative. <br /> . Part of the opinion of Powers . & Cwho conducted the feasibil- <br /> ity <br /> easi il- <br /> it r study,' their sources - the structural engineering company, <br /> we could not use this building. David posed that to Field' s <br /> Point. John had explained. to David, Randall Erni ha8 designed <br /> and built a number of commercial structures throughout the <br /> commonwealth. We would reall.y life to read the en zine ring <br /> re rt .in its ' entirety because we have had cases where someone <br /> has said, "No, that cannot be done , " and Randall fall has gone and <br /> gotten the statutes , and said, "Now, wait a minute, we can do <br /> this . " It -is not so much to sage the building, but.but their <br /> thought 'rare it can he right here . Marle - we can use this build- <br /> ing. <br /> <br /> Discussion.' <br /> Trustees meeting adjourned at 7 :40 p. m. <br /> ROLL CALL FOR BUILDING COMMITTEE; <br /> Kevin Connolly ABSENT: Gary Eynatian <br /> Sheldon Gilbert Worn O'Neil <br /> Maureen Rounds Ernie <br /> Bonnie Barrett <br /> Grace Talmage <br /> Eck DeFoe <br /> A, Background on the new members of the building committee was <br /> Presented to the meetinq. <br />