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.. <br /> Il ashpee Public Library <br /> P.O. Box 657 <br /> Mashpee, Ma 02 <br /> Much progress has been made this first quarter of FY 2005. Il ashpee voters <br /> approved Town Meeting Article 20 and the ballot question on the debt exclusion <br /> of $3,5000,000 Goal 2, objective 3). The attitude of staff is very upbeat and <br /> looking forward to the building project. Many patrons have stopped by to <br /> congratulate the staff about the progress and they are looking forward to the new <br /> building. <br /> In reviewing our Service Goals and objectives, some items have been <br /> accomplished and a number of other items are in progress. A number of <br /> objectives from Goal one have been accomplished. The Library Director and the <br /> LBC chairman, Sheldon Gilbert have devoted countless hours this fall to <br /> determining if the library was eligible to submit a lever of intent for a state <br /> building grant (Objectives 1 and . The eligibility issue was clouded by the <br /> town's,acceptance of a gift of architectural services from Mashpee Commons <br /> LPC, Because the services were a gift, the torn did not go through the required <br /> designer selection process required by stag procurement regulations. Sheldon <br /> worked with Joyce Mason, Town Manager and Patience Jackson, Building <br /> Consultant for the M BLC to overcome these difficulties. -The designer selection <br /> process was completed in early October and a letter of intent was submitted by <br /> the October 18th deadline. <br /> Stewart Roberts was selected as the library building's.architect." A total of seven <br /> firms applied and three were selected as finalists and were interviewed by a <br /> panel consisting of Joyce Mason{ Sheldon Gilbert, Torn o'I eill, Nancy Stafford <br /> and Helene De Foe. David Burton and Ann MacDonald Dailey sat in on the <br /> interviews but were not part of the panel. The panel unanimously selects Mr. <br /> Roberts to continue with the project based on his depth of experience with <br /> library-buildings, his enthusiasm for taking a fresh look at what has been done to <br /> date and his familiarity with the project. Negotiations are currently ongoing <br /> between- Mr, Roberts and the town to work out a contract. <br /> Repairing the wood trim and painting the library have been accomplished (Goal <br /> 2, objectives 1 and . Customer-service improvements were the focus of Goal 3. <br /> We have completed objective 3, participation in the Town's website. <br /> On November 4h, the LBC chairman and the library Director attended a <br /> mandatory construction grant workshop in Canton. Patience Jackson and Aran <br /> Larsen reviewed the application and explained the format for submitting an <br /> application. It looks like we will be able to update and reuse some of the <br /> information from the previous grant application. The Library Director and Mr. <br /> Roberts will work together on seeing that the building design reflects ghat is <br />