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-"�- +. N�• ,�.. �.. r '. _. -z..n.YJ..�....�...».�.-,-'-.�� Y ._ . ,..-. .+mow+-�.., �.,�rr1ri. <br /> 4 - <br /> called for in the g library program. Sheldon ill be assisting in preparing the <br /> application. Some members of the LBC will be working on specific parts of-the <br /> grant. This will be a much more collaborative effort than the 2000 submission <br /> and should allow u s to i rn prove on that application. <br /> I'm arra beginning work on the budget, which is due in December. We have been <br /> asked to prepare a level services budget. I have discussed with-the Trustees <br /> requesting the children's librarian's position be made full time in FY 2006. 1 will <br /> ad <br /> that to the budget as well as adding back the hours lost in tai circulation <br /> ssistant's position, which vias filled.this past summer. We.reduced it from 37.5 <br /> hours to 32 hours because of budget cuts. <br /> I was not able to report on circulation transactions last months because of more <br /> pressing business. I'd file to recap the last two months now. In September, the <br /> library circulated 9,292 items. In October, we circulated 9,086 items for a year- <br /> to-date figure of 45,319. That's an increase of 2,466 items over the same period <br /> last year, It is very rewarding to see circulation increasing again after a decline <br /> for the first time last year. I'm sure some of the recovery is due to the <br /> restoration of library fours. <br /> In other news, the town has adopted the day-after Thanksgiving as a holiday,. <br /> Since the library observes the same schedule as Torn !-fall, vire will be closed on <br /> Friday but open on Saturday. <br /> I .received an email from Tom Feronti, construction coordinator for Mashpee <br /> Commons. They will be working on the severer system on steeple street in <br /> preparation for extending the line over to the municipal buildings on frank Hicks <br /> Drive. The street will be closed up to the library but access to our lot should be <br /> unaffected. <br />