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y <br /> shingle and achieve some savings. She also stressed the importance of having <br /> the library director fully involved as the expert on library operations. Joyce <br /> assured her that I would attend all of the Planning and construction meetings. <br /> A folr r up meeting was held on January 2 . It was attended by Joyce} Stewart <br /> Roberts: Catherine Laurent, the subcommittee-and nye. Stewart reviewed the <br /> subcommittee flndinbs and told them what could be done to tighten up the <br /> building and which suggestions would have little savings or would be contrary to <br /> the building code. Joyce asked Stewart to look at three alternatives, a 15,500 SF <br /> two story, steel framed building, a 15,500 SF wood framed one story building and <br /> a 21 1000 SF building (the grant proposal minus 5%). Stewart Trill be meeting with <br /> the Planning and Construction Committee on January 23rd to review his findings. <br /> I forwarded an email to many of you from Jackie Rafferty, President of the <br /> Massachusetts Library Association. Jackie said that Eric Turkington, <br /> Representative to Falmouth, will be filing a bill for $100 million for the libraries on <br /> the construction grant waiting list this Wednesday. Jackie fe asked that we get the <br /> word out that Representative Turkington Is looking for co-sponsors for his bill. <br /> The more cosponsors a bill has, the greater chance of passage since it indicates <br /> high Interest in the bill's progress. I emailed Representative Matt Patrick,, Senator <br /> Rob O'Leary and Representative ,teff Perry to ask if they would sign on as co- <br /> sponsors. Blatt Patrick responded very quickly ly and said he'd be happy to sign on <br /> as a co-s . It could be helpful if man contact Senator O'Learyand <br /> Representative <br /> - p people p epre entative Perry's offices and asked thea to sign on. The deadline for <br /> signing on is January 22$ 2007. Please include that information in your request. <br /> i <br /> i <br />