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Mashpee Public Library <br /> P 0 Box 657 <br /> Mashpee MA <br /> Circulation May was 8,776 items. This compares with last yeas <br /> circulation of 5,600. Year-to-date circulation is 105,956, compared to <br /> 116,313 items circulated during the same period last year. This is the first <br /> month in quite a while that circulation exceeds the same period last year. <br /> The library was closed for moving during the end of May 2008, accounting <br /> for some of 'the difference. Compared to FY 2008, circulation is -10,357 <br /> for the year. Overdrive collection statistics were not yet available for May. <br /> I asked the town to reappoint Mary Navicky to the Summer Circulation <br /> Assistant position. We were pleased with Mary's job performance last <br /> summer and she had expressed an interest in returning. David signed the <br /> paperwork on behalf of the Trustees to reappoint her and it has been <br /> certified by the Board of Selectmen. Mary will rejoin the staff on July 1st. <br /> Her schedule is 16 hours a week rather than the 19 hours we were able to <br /> use her last summer. Shewill work four days a week instead of five. This <br /> is part of the cuffs we had I to make to achieve a -i% budget for FY 201p. <br /> On the topic of budget, everyone is worried about what further cuts towns <br /> might face in state funding. Mashpee is anticipating an additional <br /> $330,000 reduction in state funding at this point in time, Joyce has asked <br /> Department Heads to hold off spending expense money from the new <br /> fiscal year until she has a better idea of the depth of the cuts and how it <br /> will be apportioned. Contractual items are exempt from this request. She <br /> is hopes to have information on this by the end of June. It will affect <br /> buying books and supplies if things are not settled by July 1st, <br /> We have been looking into having the SEM Club at Mashpee High <br /> School make a video of the construction project. After consideration, the <br /> Club decided they were not able to follow through on the project. I have <br /> contacted Maxine Wolfset to see if she might be interested. Maxine tapes <br /> the Board of Selectmen's meetings and other meetings for the local cable <br /> channel and has made several DVDs on various topics. Her most recent <br /> DVD is called Iraq trie Fina/Chapter. Maxine has an interest in <br /> environmental issues and has said she would be interested in tackling the <br /> project, focusing on Green issues and the LEED certification. Shelly Gilbert <br /> and I will co-ordinate with Maxine on the DVD, <br />