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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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a <br /> ibBrl �� Pi .t_ cont..inued <br /> 0 Helene explained that there is more than moving books and putting books on the shelf. She checked with <br /> Falmouth and they were actually closed 6 weeks and had professional movers. Helene said there is a large cadre <br /> f volunteers being trained during this time. <br /> Jane Dolan pointed out that Helene had laid out a very eloquent rationale in terms of why the shut down was <br /> necessary. Wayne was given a copy of the document Helene had e-mailed to Joyce Mason on January 16, 20 1 <br /> and David requested Wayne to forward it to the Board of Selectmen. <br /> Jack Kowalski alski asked the Selectmen: Aren't you getting into management? Isn't that our job? <br /> David Burton said he, for one,appreciates the intent. This is a Town building;you are Town officials. David said this <br /> Board of Trustees approached the Board of Selectmen at their September meeting in anticipation of an article for Town <br /> Meeting warrant. He said the Trustees moved their regular, scheduled meeting to be at the BDS meeting and we asked <br /> to be heard. Not only was the Town Library Director hushed, it was the worst example of bad manners. David said on <br /> three other occasions this Board reached out to speak with our peers. David met with Don Myers to chat. David said <br /> the point is that we have been spurned, at best. He said part of our responsibilities spelled out in Mas General Law is to <br /> work cooperatively with other municipal officials. It is irksome. David said because our duties,responsibilities and <br /> obligations for all intents and purposes have been ignored or usurped,we requested to meet with Town Counsel and our <br /> request has been rejected. David said we have been rejected due process. we did meet with Patrick Costello once years <br /> ago and it was helpful. <br /> David noted that some of the Trustees have sat on this Board a long time and this Board is a good cross-section of <br /> backgrounds and experience. He said sometimes treatment has been frustrating, unprofessional,and inappropriate and <br /> noir that it is weeks away of opening,now we have some offers of help. Our group of volunteers is legion. <br /> David commented that the first week of December he and Jane Dolan met with the Town Manager and it was a positive <br /> meeting. David said they left with Joyce exploring the idea of contractors. <br /> Joyce Mason.addressed David and said it is unfortunate that the two Selectmen were dressed down. She said they were <br /> here trying to resolve an issue that's difficult for PCC,the Selectmen,and Library Trustees. She said yes,you manage <br /> your building;yes you manage your staff to the extent that they are union employees; but until that key is turned over to <br /> the Library Trustees, it is a PCC building...actually, it is the Selectmen's building. <br /> Joyce Mason, Steve Cook, Catherine Laurent and Terrie Cook exited the meeting at 6:40 p.m. <br /> Discussion continued and Wayne Taylor again reiterated the need to work together and that he wants to understand.the <br /> wceks closing ... he said his feeling is let's get it open even if it's in stages. ,lack Kowalski explained that the Trustees' <br /> concern is that the library is short-banded and if l person is out them it's a problem. Jack said we concentrate on one <br /> thing..'Ahe management of the library. Jack asked Wayne: iso you look at the numbers and compare I1 ashpee to other <br /> libraries? Now we have to train people/volunteers and coordinate a huge move and we want to open when it's ready. <br /> Lack of staffing is our number I problem <br /> David said at the last Trustees meeting we voted on the dates;we didn't do it to ruffle feathers. David said we will talk <br /> some more. <br /> Wayne explained that after hearing that the PCC made the decision regarding the $75,000 gift,he made the request that <br /> Town Counsel review whether or not we can give back the$75,000 to the Friends. Wayne said it turas out that only the <br /> B S can do it since they were given the gift to begin with. Jack Kowalski asked: why did Miss Mason pose thegive- <br /> back request to PCC if PCC had no right to make that decision? Wayne responded that under the Charter a lot of things <br /> are subject to interpretation since it 1s new. <br /> 2 <br />
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