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s <br /> Library lldln Projt continued_ <br /> David said we wanted Town'Counsel to read and give us interpretation and clarification. Wayne explained that on legal <br /> issues all requests go through Town Manager as a means of controlling legal costs. Wayne said in the future if you feel <br /> you've been rejected unfairly when requesting an appointment,then give either Terri or him a call. <br /> David said that he has a concern about the statement Joyce made about the library moving on its own without Town help <br /> or funding. Wayne said that was in the heat of the moment, he doesn't think it was meant. <br /> .pat Gaaehe asked Wayne how BOS liaisons function: Wayne said they are there should one of their committees reed <br /> to address a problem; he said they get the minutes ofall committees and he reads them all; he currently is liaison to 1 <br /> committees. <br /> Wayne Taylor exited the meeting at 7:55 p.m. <br /> Discussion <br /> The consensu of the Trustees was that since the March 1 t date was information they did not have until tonight and <br /> since schedules for work had been passed to CLAMS,we should stick with the s hedule we have and then offer the <br /> tours of the building prior to the move. The Trustees would think about having a building tour/open house function with <br /> PCC and town officials during March when vire see hors accurate the March I'completion date is and this will be <br /> discussed at the next Trustee meeting. <br /> Jack Kowalski addressed the Trustees and said it is clear to hire that it is the Trustees' sworn fiduciary obligation to <br /> oversee when funds come to the Town offers for Library purposes, in addition to spending these funds to enhance the <br /> operation of the library in the best interest of the residents of the town of Mashpee. He said therefore in light of this <br /> responsibility he makes the following notion: <br /> Motion: That the Director of the Mashpee Library Board of Trustees send a written request to the Town <br /> Treasurer for an accounting of the Friends of the Mashpee Public Library gift of$75,000,as well as any funds <br /> that have come to the Town in behalf of the Library,outside of the actual building budget expended for the <br /> completion of the Library. Further if the completed Library has come in under budget what funds exist and <br /> where are these funds being held? David Burton seconded this motion; and it was unanimously approved. <br /> Repodg <br /> The regular monthly reports for the month of January from Helene DeFoe and from Janet Burke were given to the <br /> Trustees. These reports are attached to the printed set of these minutes. <br /> Essay Contest for Time Caï¿œuic <br /> Jane Dolan reported that 38 children participated in the essay contest. A certificate of appreciation and letter seat to i <br /> winning participants;and another 24 received letter of thanks for participating. Jane shoved the certificate and letters <br /> i <br /> that were sent, <br /> Communications <br /> David updated the Trustees on the request from the Mashpee wa .panoaCultural Committee. He said 2 messages <br /> were left and a note seat to Mother Bear saying that the messages were left,but David has heard nothing back at this <br /> point. <br /> r <br /> i <br />