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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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C.,D ct n_s-- d v-i.s: r -I :,_1 <br /> amendment . Mr . Chace said the Committeeys Committeesgceal is to come UP <br /> with a plan that the C-Omm i t t ee can feel represents the best <br /> interests o the Town and scimeth ing they can all support gciing <br /> forward.. He said the process is to try o take the 19E38 plan or <br /> the, recent plan and try to see what they like and digin? t like <br /> about it , and work together to alter- the parts they don' t like to. <br /> come up with an end plan that everyone is w;omfcFr able with. He <br /> said Fields Point would write the zoning bylaw amendment based on <br /> the end plan and the Ccimm i t es c 4--)Lt1 d review the Bylaw and also <br /> have Town Counsel review i t . Mr . Mitiokostas felt this WOUld <br /> take a year ton diii, but Mrs. Mills thought the Committee will come <br /> to a consensus seiner and then it goes on tan the next level , it <br /> was noted there is a February deadline for the May Ti-ewn Meeting � <br /> and it may be appropriate to h Gild a Spec= ial Town Meeting. <br /> Mrs. Mills said it will be important for everyone tier Understand <br /> what can be done Ander the current Zz on i ng since theyFre being <br /> askwed to compare the two plans. She said she would l i ke to see <br /> something visual to picture what could be dc-ine and the degree of <br /> lot coverage. Mr , Storrs said they have di-ine a sample ANR Plan <br /> showing 40, 000 square fi_ot commercial buildings and Mrs. Mills <br /> said that ' s what the Committee needs to see. Mr . Pcitts said h <br /> would be more +:uriOLls to--, see what types of busines�es that wOUld <br /> be permitted uses today, and another list o f what they WOUl d <br /> ideally like o have there: <br /> Mr . Pedal a said it ?s uses are broad <br /> and most of the problem is dimensional . r , Chace said based on <br /> what the 7ve learned in tither develcipments, they are looking to <br /> g+D from single its -.7-oning tct ixed-U zcining to bUild <br /> It was noted that any impacts on the hash pee River would have to <br /> be taken into aCCi:l nt , and recreation facilities shclu1 d be <br /> considered. Mr . Chace said what they' re finding is that they <br /> cn y t solve all of Mashpeels problems within this area, but they <br /> want to di:i the best they can, and at some degree they may have to <br /> bring in adjacent land owners as they find thea tcr be a part of <br /> this pian. hers. Mills said the Committee would ha :2 to find a <br /> ciiimmon gri=iund before talking to land owners, <br /> Mrs, Mills said of equal concen is the economic impact on the <br /> ommun i t Y. Mr , Chace said maybe t h a Committee may want to have <br /> consultant that everyone is comfortable with, as the economics iif <br /> the development i s very important . r* . Chace said they want to <br /> see an integrated community, both economically and age wise, wit h <br /> older citizens izens and families living on the street . Mr . <br /> Mit iok:clst as said he would like to see that it ' s economically <br /> feasible to have mixed use. her . Chai=a said the market is split <br /> into i family, 1/3 seniors, and 1 sL(mmer residents- Mr s. <br /> Mills asked if Fields Paint int ends tc, bui 1 d the bU i l d i nips cir <br /> ,dust SUbdivide so tither pei:Fp1e can build. her . Chace said they' re <br /> trying to:, COMe up with a mode and design review process and then <br /> build si_ime models, and then with the ccide in place, seen: OUt <br />
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