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aehp a Commons Advisory Committee -3- l ` 'D 5 <br /> meetings and people tal k: inq that ehOUl do° t have, and this has to <br /> be addressed. He said as a member of this c ci m i t t ee he wants to <br /> inSUr e the PUbi il: that they can trust the committee, and that <br /> his committee is starting fresh and new tonight . Mrs. Mills <br /> said there have been no improprieties taking place. <br /> The Committee reviewed the following handoutsi from Mr . Fudala, <br /> I) A map which r o f ec i scine of the C L r r en t zoning in the area <br /> an s owe a M O cl e proper is a 0 Use <br /> egUlat ions that lists the type of uses that can he placed within <br /> the C1 district . Fie said the property behind and west of the <br /> Library and Church is zoned R-3 and .-5 which can be U5ed f ctr <br /> single family residences. or open space under incentive <br /> development , ) table cs f land space requirements regarding <br /> setbacks and lot coverage and a plan of what can be done, which <br /> allows 20% lot coverage, 3., 000 eq. ft . bUilding , and 5' from <br /> Route 28. e . id to keep in mind that a certain amount of <br /> parking is r eq U i r ed for those use . Mr . FUd i s said they can do <br /> a big shopping center or a non-traditional development bUt they <br /> wcoui t: r :i. t o keep the setback fIrCIM ROUt e 4.23. r . FUdala <br /> said they can develop a Street system that 's been diene at the <br /> Commons, which is large driveway, or they can divide thcise lots <br /> off and sell them to individual developers. <br /> Mr . Fudala said what Fields Point wants to do is ncet allowed in <br /> CI I. He said the Commc-ins has a special permit and there' still <br /> rocim f enr g r clwt h . He said 1(--)C) r ee i d e c ee were a l l ci ed � Un d er .that <br /> special permit and were intended to be apartments along Steeple <br /> Street , but would require specific plans of those building <br /> before the Berard of Appeals before they can go f rw and <br /> i <br /> Mr . FUdala said Fields Point COUld also have a residential <br /> dev lcipment under Chapter 4(--)B, which is a project that requires <br /> 25 affordable bie hOLLeing and it doeen t have to comply with current <br /> zoning under the state statute. <br /> Mr. Fudala said under the open space incentive bylaw Fields Point <br /> can have a higher density project where the units are taken out <br /> Of SOML= other part of town a trade c;f .f. He said there' s a set <br /> of rules o n h o w to do this. <br /> I <br /> Mr. Demo= said he would like to see what Fields Pointys Pointyproposal <br /> is ender- current -Z—on ing and then what they pr#.-spose if they can <br /> get necessary zoning changes, in order to get the Positives and <br /> negatives. Mrs. Mille said Fields Point has a vision of what <br /> they want to dc, bUt it ' s important that e. er cine knows what can <br /> be done with the Current zoning. <br /> Mr , Char-e said f-')" j--lf the propery properis currently mooned Cl . He said <br /> the plan they' x� p����} ��� �. � i n����: a �'���. I c o m err�� i a l plan b���� a <br /> r ived useis h p� don ' t ant to have11 th l; property <br /> developed ae c cimmer c i al . He 5aid t hey y v= created plan o f what <br /> I <br />
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