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NiASPEE COMMONS ADVISORY C <br /> MASH EF TOWN HALL <br /> JANUARY 91, 1996 <br /> The fallowing members were present: Spyro Mitrokostm,Chairman,Nick Demos,Warn Fudala.,Robert <br /> whritenour,Executive Secretary,James Dorgan,Marie Scalley,John Ferguson,Buff Chace,Douglas <br /> Storrs,Dennis Balini and Peter Diniio,, Selden <br /> The meeting convened at 5:15 p.m. <br /> Approval of minutes <br /> NIr.Ferguson motioned to accept the minutes of November 1 , 1995. Mr.Bgzarini seconded the motion. <br /> All were in favor. <br /> Nor.Ferguson motioned to accept the minutes of December 1 , 1995. h&.Bal acini seconded the motion. <br /> All were In favor. <br /> Mr.Nlitrokostas informed the conunittee of the guidelines of the minutes and what should be kept on <br /> official record with the option to keep the audio tapes on file. He fnuther informed the committee that <br /> George Costa, Sele=en had stepped down from his appointment to the conmuttee and that Peter <br /> Din aio, Selectmen would be replacing him with an up om g appointment to the seat. <br /> Discussion of whitings Rd.Neighborhood <br /> Mr. Storrs distributed agrid of the Whitings Rd. area. Mar. Chace infonned the comrmittee that the grid <br /> was not the most recent plan but a good graphic. He added that the plan consisted of small single family <br /> lots with the alley system. He ft-ther added that he did not have the fiscal analysis with cosh generated <br /> when referring to the 113 family, 113 senior and 113 seasonal idea. <br /> The whitings Rd.parcel consists of 39.5 acres with 25 lots consisting of any number of bedrooms. Mr. <br /> Dini o asked if this can currently be hooked up to the Mashpm sewer system and could they obtain a <br /> variance from the current law. Also,that i <br />