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i1riA HPEE CONMONS ADVISORY CONDArME PAGE TWO <br /> N1[AS1HPEE TOWN HALL <br /> JANUARY 9, 1996 <br /> t <br /> Mr. I litro os a fisted Melds Point and the ornrnittee discuss the �Impact,waste water <br /> Treatment Plant,Environmcntal and Traffic Design with the Developer at the next meeting. <br /> Mr.Din io discussed with the comma t e the op#ion of hiring a comitant from the National <br /> Development Council using a representative named tan Harsh, He added that he had met with Mr. <br /> Mmh at the Selectmen's meeting last evening and what they had accomplished in several cipalities <br /> in negotiating terms with their Developer's. In essence he recommended that the committee look into <br /> acquiring the services of Mr,Marsh and having Fields Point pay for his services. Airs. SmUey expressed <br /> concerns and did not agree with pus mg this route with 1S&.Marsh. W.Ferguson agreed with yrs. <br /> SCalley. Mr. Pudala asked if they would handle all the financial issues and asked for public comments. <br /> h4r.Dema s stated that he liked the concept on paper,but added that he would like Melds Point to add <br /> more detail to the drawings and that the oonsultant could provide some assistance to the committee and <br /> their recommendations to the Tow& <br /> Mr.Nfitr ko tas opened the floor to Public comments. A member of the community connnended the <br /> committee in their quest to develop Nfashpee. <br /> Agenda for January 2 , 1996 <br /> To be discussed will be the No. Market Street area and Jobs Fishing Rd.,with additional discussion on the <br /> Whitings Rd.proposal. <br /> Mr. Storrs distributed grids of Jobs Fishing Rd,with No. and So.Market Street for review. <br /> Mr.Demas motioned to adjourn the meeting at 630 p.m. b&.BalzarW seconded the motion. AH were <br /> in favor. <br /> The next meeting of the Mashpee Commons Advisory Commiter will be January 23, 1996 at :15 p.m. at <br /> the Town Hail. <br /> submitted, <br /> Nancy Peterson <br /> Board Secretary <br /> np <br />