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A HPFE COMMONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> 'IASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> FEBRUARY 27 , 1 7 <br /> PRESENT : Sp ro Mitro ostas , Chairman, Marie Scal.ley, Margo Fenn, <br /> John Ferguson, Dennis Balzarini , Peter Dlnlzio , Selectman , Huff <br /> hac-e , Doug Storrs , Torn Potts , and Torn Fudala. <br /> Chairman Mitro ostas convened the meeting at p.m. <br /> Distributed - o the committee was an Agenda prepared by Fields Point <br /> representatives with proposed Agendas for the upcoming meetings <br /> through June 25 , 19969 <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> Mr . Ferguson raised concerns regarding being a member of the Board <br /> of Directors for the Concert Committee and a conflict of interest <br /> with the Mashpee Commons Advisory Committee . He personally felt <br /> that there is no conflict of interest and would be willing to write <br /> the Selectman in regards to this matter . Mr . Potts also stated <br /> that he too, was on the other committee and Mr. Dinizio added that <br /> there are no conflicts according to the Ethics Commission . <br /> Mr . Storrs discussed the proposed agendas for March - June 1996 <br /> with the committee and their immediate goals . Mrs . Sca.11ey agreed <br /> to check with the Senior Center to see if It is available for the <br /> public meeting and that she or Mr . Mitro .otas would confirm the <br /> date in March . Mr . Storrs discussed completing a, wad.k through of <br /> the previous plans distributed to the committee and setting <br /> parameters for the broad impact analysis . Mrs .. Fenn stated that <br /> the committee was not to be recommending zoning changes in the bi- <br /> laws and that it was to be the job of the Planning Board and Town <br /> Planner. Mrs . Scalley informed the Fields Point representatives <br /> that she would still like to discuss her likes/dislikes of the <br /> Commons . <br /> DISCUSSION F STEEPLE STREET AND TROUT FOND <br /> Mr. Storrs discussed that there was a. change in the current plans . <br /> That the road was once straight and now beads around the Performing <br /> Ants Center . He further discussed that the building would be <br /> - similar to the buildings at M .shpee Commons and that the buildings <br /> near Route 28 would be larger as they would be more for commercial <br /> use . Mrs . Fenn informed the Fields Point representatives that she <br /> had obtained plans from the State Natural Heritage Program <br /> regarding rare species o wildlife and plant and -that the <br /> Coram-fission would not be able to support the current plans at <br /> Commission Level ,, Mrs , Fenn gave a copy of the data to i' r . Chase <br /> for further evaluation. <br /> M . Storms further discussed Great Neck Rd. S . having sidewalks <br /> and that there would only be one entrance on Route 28 with a <br /> variety of traffic calming and some off road parking , <br />