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F t <br /> MASHPEE COMMONS S ADS'ISORS# CO3%%IJINJITTEE <br /> MASHPEE TOWN HALL <br /> L <br /> APRIL , 1996 <br /> PRESENT :: Sp ro Mi tro os ta.s , Marie Sca.l le -, John Ferzruson, Dennis <br /> al arini , Peter Dinizio , Selectman, Buff Chace Douce Storrs Tom <br /> Potts , Tom Fudala., Nick Demas, . udv Mills , Selectman, James Torgan <br /> and Robert Whr ,i tenour , Executive Secretary <br /> Ms . Alexandra Gillis was a guest of Flelds Point . <br /> Mr . M-1-trokostas convened the meeting a p .m. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM �MARCH 12 , 1996 <br /> Mr . Demas moved ed to approve tfie minutes �� larch 12. y 1996 . Mrs . <br /> i-1. -s secc.)n _ed the motion . A-11 were in favor . <br /> Mr . Storrs -discussed with the committee the fiscal impact to <br /> scot <br /> 1 s i_inicial services , revenues and the number of school <br /> c ]..l.dren -oer unit being proposed. rs . Mills was concerned about <br /> ' <br /> the l,oT f <br /> f seasonal rentals vs . yearound units . Mr . Storrs <br /> discussed that beincr proposed i,;-a-s a.ppro i y 400 units , 100 of <br /> them being szr e family detached hone with the majority of to <br /> e:, .pi t- tr. �o ses . He further disoussed information from <br /> , = D - F1 r-)mr�nt� seasuie-nt Ha. cook �- 'rL�, L . I . "' an ��e demand `or� <br /> bedroo m ,rental unit producing greater return rather than single <br /> f'am i l hopes , producing in a "less children" ratio , �� r . ] orc n <br /> questioned the best case scenario vs . worst case scenario . Mr . <br /> Storrs elaborated on the subject . <br /> Mrs . Mills questioned rentals bringing children into the Mashpee <br /> School Sys-tern, Mr . Storrs discussed the breakdown of various units <br /> per capita of children in 2 bedroom units . Mr . Balzarini <br /> questioned if the leer the price of unit , the more children would <br /> be brought into the system and if the price was hicrher the <br /> possibility of lowering the number of children . <br /> Mr . Stor*rs discussed that of 144 bu_ldi.n,cf permits per year from <br /> shpee , approximately 20 would be used and the Cape Cod Commission <br /> mandates 20 be affordable housing with a ration of 20 per annum <br /> per household. Thus the value and number of students will. makle the <br /> numbers work to get to a .how/high end of school children per <br /> residence . <br /> Mr . Fercruson commented that he liked the proposed idea, and supports <br /> it , but wants to see how Fields Point plans on making it wore . Mr . <br /> -Potts indica wed that if 400 units were built he could foresee loo <br /> children being brought into the school system. <br />