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MASHPEE COMMONS A VTSo r COMINITT111EE PAGE TWO <br /> MASHPEE TOWN MALL <br /> APRIL 91 1996 <br /> Mr . Dini io indicated that the consultant he had proposed at an <br /> earlier meeting would be able to obtain necessary i r to .nr <br /> most of the committee ' questions at this time , <br /> Mr . Storrs distributed da-ta pertaining to the proposed residential <br /> sites . The committee agr+ed to use vs . 2 as the ratio on data <br /> pro * ded y Fields Point . Mr . Potts recommended to Fields Point to <br /> Pick- a current neiighborhood and. do a. blended .rate for the town of <br /> Mashpee . Mrs . Scalley distributed a list of data relating to the <br /> number of children per unit in several condo/townhouse communities <br /> in Maslipee . Tn approximately 400 units there were 112 children. <br /> PUBLTC COMMENTS <br /> 'T'her'e were no Public o-minents <br /> DTSCUSSION CONTINUED <br /> . Storrs will provide to the committee , in detail , the <br /> catecories of housing being proposed, and the figures requested per <br /> household. He plans on providing these numbers for the meeting on <br /> April 20 , 1996 , <br /> Next meeting will be held April 20 , 1.996 with a. walk through of the <br /> proposed sites and a follow-up Public meeting to be held at the <br /> Senior Center in 'Iashpee . <br /> ivlr . Ferguson moved o adjourn the m.eetinc at p .�n. fir .. ir-�i io <br /> seconded the motion, All were in favor. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Nancy Peterson <br /> rip <br />