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made available to the Committee, and to Mashpee Commons for <br /> their use in hiring a consultant: <br /> The residential and commercial market studies should include <br /> three future scenarios of development at the site: A <br /> optimum scenario for the residential, as represented in the <br /> Zimmerman/Volk Study; a lower range scenario reflecting current <br /> market conditions in Mashpee and on. Cape Cod with respect to <br /> residential development; and an "as-is" scenario, an estimate of <br /> what right occur if the residential project is not developed and <br /> is to continue at the current zoning. <br /> The commercial development analysis, which is to be prepared <br /> by Mashpee Commons for review by the Conunittee and Mr. Brais, <br /> should include three scenarios. A higher level of market <br /> response, i.e. higher~ level of absorption of commercial space; <br /> a lower level absorption of commercial space, and a id-range <br /> level as well . This information will aid in the preparation of <br /> the development scenarios for- both the residential and commercial <br /> as it is being developed. This will provide further .information <br /> on impacts caused as a. result of the development taxes, traffic, <br /> effluent) . The low range scenario would be paired with a lower <br /> c r ercial scenario as well . The raid-range commercial would be <br /> paired with the "as-is" zoning analysis . <br /> It is being recommended that the fiscal impact consultant be <br /> on-site and spend time in the Town of Mashpee in order to review <br /> the project site, as well as to meet with the Committee and <br /> members of the community, and also to research conditions in <br /> surrounding cape cod areas . The alternative scenarios are <br /> spelled out in the fiscal impact scope. The assessed values o <br /> the various real estate types should be estimated on a time line <br /> basis over the course of development . <br /> Fiscal' costs associated with the project should be done on a <br /> marginal cost basis. All possible additional costs incurred to <br /> the Town from this development should be recognized as such <br /> because they will vary. General government costs are not going <br /> to increase drastically, whereas certain capitol items might <br /> occur resulting in a larger than average cost associated with the <br /> project . <br /> Depending on the results of the market study, addition <br /> demographics of the project may be needed for the fiscal impact <br /> study. A realistic scenario of the demographic profile should be <br /> derived from the results of both the market and fiscal impac t <br /> studies, including the number of residents, seasonal residents, <br /> children, and retirees . <br /> Additional costs for education, public safety (police and <br /> fire) , recreation, library, public works, general government and <br /> other major categories of fiscal costs are to be analyzed on a <br /> marginal cost basis for the project for each of the scenarios. <br /> -4- <br />