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Selectman Dinizio re-emphasized again that anyone attending <br /> Committee Meetings as a resident of Mashy ee will have an equal <br /> voice to anybody else within the audience. <br /> Ed Baker: stated he is awaiting word with regard to ground <br /> water discharge strength, amount and location) . It being his <br /> understanding this particular information is not yet available, <br /> he took advantage of this opportunity tore-state his Concerns. <br /> Mr. Baker further made reference to the sect ion-v Agreement, <br /> New seabury/Chris Burden, regarding the construction of a sewage <br /> treatment plant. He asked if this would be an area o <br /> investigation by the Board. <br /> Selectman Dini io asked. Mr. Storrs to confirm three <br /> options for waste water treatment . <br /> Mr. Storrs responded: collect, treat and dispose at the <br /> current location; Collect, treat and dispose at an off-site <br /> location; Continue to maintain the waste water system as a <br /> privately owed system, or merge with the sewer Commission/ <br /> publicly owned system. <br /> Mr. Barer~ expressed additional questions regarding the size <br /> of the proposed plant {more than one hundred-twenty thousand <br /> gallons) , whether or not agreements are to be in place before the <br /> zoning issue is presented at Town Meeting. <br /> Selectman Rini io agreed the form of treatment system should <br /> be determined. The two main options being: a public system, <br /> possible municipal sever district; or a privately-owned public <br /> utility. <br /> Mr. Baker stated his main interest to be the condition o <br /> the M.ahee River, and the prevention of any additional nutrients <br /> going into the Fiver. <br /> Selectman Mates agreed with Mr. Baker, that it is too <br /> early to provide concrete answers to the concerns he has raised. <br /> Mr. Barer stated another problem for him is the fact that <br /> this is not a new proposal . It is a modification of a proposal <br /> that existed ten 10 years ago. Mr. Baker said he is astounded <br /> that there is so little information available with respect to the <br /> upcoming Town Meeting in May. <br /> Proposed Fiscal scope of Services <br /> Selectman io deferred to Robert Brais for presentation <br /> in this regard. <br /> Mr. Brais reported a recommended Fiscal Impact scope has <br /> been agreed upon for the Fiscal Impact Study, which is to be <br /> prepared by the Mashee Commons Consultant . Copies have been <br /> - - <br />