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new construction costs are to be considered. <br /> Table 3 . - Indicates actual volume of transactions for the <br /> years 1994 - 1996, as well as mid, lower, and upper Cape <br /> communities within the last year, broken down by price and <br /> percent to total . Mr. Brais stated it is important to understand <br /> the "market" is bidding properties to their "market values" . <br /> Undeveloped lots are included in this Table. <br /> Table 4 . - Actual Residential Sales Data. <br /> Table 5 . - Is a summary of forty-four units selected <br /> from the MLS Boo] , representing actual properties currently on <br /> the market, including new construction as well as re-sales. Mr. <br /> Brais noted the Three-Four-and Five Hundred Thousand Dollar <br /> prices to be- water-related type properties. As you rove down the <br /> table, he noted the Two-Fifty to Three Hundred range had some <br /> type of water amenity, with Two-Fifty as the break point. From <br /> Two-Fifty down to Fifty Thousand Dollar housing prices are based <br /> on lot, housing improvement, and neighborhood factors. <br /> Appendix 1 - As it relates to Table $739, 000 . 00-south <br /> facing water views over okway Bay and Nantucket Sound on 1. 33 <br /> acres. $449, 500 . 00-water front with dock and views, lower-level <br /> walk out; $450, 000- . 17 acre with panoramic view of ocean. <br /> $389, 000 . 00-private location, contemporary Cape, 1 . 2 acne beach <br /> front lot; $350, 000 . 00-new, to be built, water front view from <br /> Hamblin' s Pond to Martha' s vineyard. $349, 900 . 00-5, 000 sq. ft . <br /> house, finished living area, half-acre lot, does not have a water <br /> view. $ 9, 00 . 0-value related stalls, barns, considered to be <br /> a special property. 19, 000 , 00-New seabury property. <br /> $319, 000 . 00-does not have a water related amenity, a highly <br /> improved property. <br /> Mr. Whritenour noted huge discrepancies between the assessed <br /> valuations and asking prices. <br /> $279, 000 . 00-Claiming beautiful water views, New Seabury, <br /> permit for pool, steps to beach. $2 o, o 0 0 . o o-Mashpeewaleby <br /> Pond. $ 9, 900 . 00-new construction. Noted in this price range <br /> are ten year old Colonial, heavily built out, competitive <br /> housing. $199, 000 . 00-lesser properties, closer to waters in <br /> Poponesset, Mashpeewakeby Pond. <br /> Marketing below $200, 000 . 00 - $189, 876 . 00-multiple water <br /> views, 3-bedroom, 2-bath, approximately 1, 700 sq. ft. <br /> $lo, 000 . 00-new construction hones. $159, 900 , 00-1996 built home, <br /> $139, 900 . 00-smaller property, related to the Association, At <br /> $124 and 115, 000 . 00-reasonably sized, two-three bedroom houses. <br /> Lower-end of the Market - $100, 000 . 00 showing several <br /> comparable. $92, 600 . 00-new house, 2-bedroom, 1-bath, expandable <br /> Cape, lovely private area. <br /> _ _ <br /> i <br />