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as to the hotel site located on East Steeple street . Mr. Chace i <br /> confirmed there is a hotel interested in the site, which is the <br /> site originally permitted for this use. The only change being <br /> as an accessory use, the possibility of the second floors to <br /> become apartments. Mr. F'udala noted also the request for <br /> dimensional changes . <br /> Mr. Baker commented he feels a lot of this information is <br /> confusing because the end results are not being considered, but <br /> rather the difference between the end result and what has been <br /> originally permitted. Mr. Chace clarified there will be n <br /> difference in the building volumes on East Steeple Street. <br /> Mr. Baker asked if Mashpee Commons Ltd. Partnership would <br /> retain ownership of the development on JobI Fishing Road. Mr. <br /> Chace replied, "No,, not exclusively" . Mr. Baler explained his <br /> concern is for the groundwater discharge and asked if this <br /> development would be serviced by septic systems. Mr. Chace <br /> stated here are a number of alternatives under Title V, and that <br /> it has not yet been decided which would be the west strategy from <br /> the Town and regulatory agencies view. Eery one of the units, <br /> whether commercial, office or residential will have a wash water <br /> treatment. Mr. Storrs stated regardless of ownership, they will <br /> always be treated in the waste grater treatment plant. <br /> Mr. Baler asked about the discharge location, stating this <br /> question has been in existence for more than tern 1 years. He <br /> expressed his concern for the Mashpee Kiger. Mr. Chace responded <br /> by stating his desire to do whatever the Town feels would be <br /> prudent with, regard to the waste water system. Mr. Storrs stated <br /> the point of discharge will go where it has the least or zero <br /> impact upon the Mashpee Kiger, ocway Bay, and the Santuit River. <br /> The ultimate answer will be revealed within the next year or two, <br /> regardless of the zoning. <br /> There was some discussion regarding waste water treatment. <br /> Mr. Baker expressed concerns regarding a definite solution to the <br /> ground water discharge problem. He stated he is concerned about <br /> changing zoning based upon a statement here will be a solution <br /> at some point in the future. <br /> Mr. Storrs stated the process of discharge will be the same <br /> regardless of zoning. <br /> Mr. Barer stated the ultimate solution, .in his opinion, <br /> would be the creation of a Sewer Treatment Plant, including the <br /> filter beds, downstream from the Nater District well sites on <br /> Hock Landing Road. He suggested a Regional Sewer District be <br /> created which would relocate effluent to that location and end u <br /> in Nantucket Sound. one solution being to enlarge the Mashpee <br /> Commons Treatment Plant which effluent could be piped to the <br /> location. He suggested Windchime and Seamist Developments ments could <br /> do the same. <br />