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and forth market Streets to allow residences. They may have less <br /> traffic than current zoning, but should be studied. <br /> Mr. Chace continued review of the proposal : <br /> 1 . Presentation of a design process relating to waste water <br /> t the next meeting; <br /> . Traffic information shall be provided by 1r. Storrs <br /> prior to the next meeting;.inn and <br /> . Clarification of fiscal impact studies. <br /> Mr. Brais recapped for his understanding regarding impact <br /> studies. The wash water is to be included into a study process <br /> for Pater discussion. Regarding traffic, it had been determined <br /> earlier that trip generation studies would be provided. by Mashpee <br /> Commons consultant for as-is and as-proposed, with any <br /> differential being assessed on its impact on the existing load <br /> pattern, unless it proved to be lower. He suggested not only <br /> reviewing on an ADT basis, but also to consider the time of day <br /> pattern of trips generated by residential . <br /> John Ferguson acknowledged Mashpee Commons has cooperated t <br /> date and suggested they be allowed to continue to present <br /> information to the Committee for review. <br /> Selectman Marsters acknowledge Mahpee Commons would provide <br /> the following materials for the next scheduled meeting: "haste <br /> water plan; traffic studies; minor amendments to currently <br /> existing zoningBylaws; a visual presentation; an analysis <br /> comparing exist ing/proposed zoning differentials, to include <br /> anticipated square footage of commercial . <br /> Mr. Chace agreed to provide an anticipated program, as <br /> suggested by Mr. Brai s. <br /> Selectman Marsters ac} nowldged his approval of the project <br /> Approval of Minutes <br /> Selectman Marsters entertained a motion for approval of <br /> Minutes. <br /> MOTIOML Mr. whritenour made a Motion to approve Minutes <br /> of the December 1 , 1998 Meeting, as amended; which Motion was <br /> duly seconded by Mr. Fudala and so voted unanimously. <br /> . <br /> MOT Mr. whri.tenour made a Motion to approve M_ i.nutes of <br /> the January 13, 1998 Meeting, as amended; which Mot ion 'was duly <br /> seconded by Mr. Fudala and so voted unanimously. <br /> -8- <br />