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town clerks office inn out what the terms of office are . <br /> We currently have seven seats on the Cable Advisory <br /> Committee . of those seven seats, they are somehow allocated <br /> one, two, or three year terms . This was decided 10 or 11 <br /> years ago by the town clerks office where they also hold the <br /> record of whose term is over when. Mr. Eli.ason informed the <br /> committee that he would get that straightened out and brine <br /> the information back to the committee . <br /> Town Administrator, Joyce Mason, gave a brief explanation <br /> about the terms of office. <br /> ` . Committee Nae - Mr. Eliason addressed the coTmnittee <br /> regarding the issue of a new name for this co unittee . Joyce <br /> Mason had contacted surroutding towns to get an idea as to <br /> bow their committees worked and the names that were used. <br /> Unfortunately there was little response . A brief discussion <br /> took place about renaming the committee . Mr. Eliason <br /> suggested that we all come up with names and bring then up <br /> for discussion and a vote next month. <br /> . Begin Draft of Committee Responsibilities and Goals <br /> The committee discussed having a workshop to _ brainstorm' } <br /> various ideas and to become better organized. Lolita McCray <br /> stated that she would prefer that the brainstorming session <br /> not be taped if a secretary covered it . -A tentative time <br /> and date of the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 3 :00 was <br /> decided upon. <br /> This next meeting will be for the benefit of re-organizing <br /> our conittee . <br /> . .draft press release - defer to a time of ter our <br /> brainstorming session' ' . <br /> . Cape Codoms uni y College progress - no report <br /> available at this time due to Mary O' Keeffe not being <br /> present . <br /> 10 . Progress report on help for selectmen' s meetings <br /> broadcasts - Joyce Mason informed us that the selectman <br /> have voted that all evening board meetings will be <br /> televised from conference room II . Due to this <br /> decision, the committee will be looking for -volunteers <br /> - to coven the meetings . The co mitt e will also be <br /> looking for cameramen� to cover the meetings as well . <br /> 11. Changes in service from mediaone deferred to a time <br /> the committee can speak directly to Marr O' Keeffe, <br /> Government Relations Manager for Me d i aone. <br /> 12 . Member issues and comments - Jim Chisolom jotted down <br /> several items to discuss at the committees <br /> "brainstorming session' ' , these are as follows <br />