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aside, there would be a bonus multiplier of 1 .5 in the OSID <br /> bonuses to create parrs and sralle e r open spaces within <br /> developed portioh of a plan. <br /> Page 5-Mr. storms explained ars OSID unit is 2 .2 bedrooms . <br /> In order to- build a 4 bedroom home, 1 ,3/4 oS I units would have <br /> to be se,t aside. .(Theme was some discussion as to what <br /> constitutes a bedroom. ) A revised definition of "bedroom" is <br /> needed. <br /> Selectman Mars teas .commented that duality design plans are <br /> a necessity as the Building Inspector makes the final <br /> determination as to whether` or not a room is to be considered a <br /> bedroom. <br /> Mr. Storrs stated that if 1 . I units are set aside, an <br /> 5 <br /> unrestricted number of bedrooms would be granted for that <br /> particular dwelling. <br /> Mr. Whritenour asked if the average 2 .2 bedrooms per unit <br /> under the OSID Bylaw is subject to change. Mr. Storrs replied <br /> that theory had been geared towards. ,a multi--family condoMinium. <br /> project, which aspect. sloes not apply to single-family houses on <br /> single-family lots, apartments on a lot, etc. <br /> Mr. Chace stated MCLP Would purchase lard with however many <br /> r <br /> OSID units, brine then o. to Mashpee commons property, and use <br /> therm up along the way. The point being, thele are not new, they <br /> are being taken from some other place and being brought to <br /> Sh ee- Commons. <br /> John. u-chins i explained that although the impacts would be <br /> concentrated within Mashpee Commons, the effect would be a <br /> dilution within the Town. <br /> (There was some discussion regarding multipliers. ) <br /> Page T r. Storrs xioted this to be similar -to the Commercial <br /> Center Bylaw. Currently on-street parking .is not allowed under <br /> the OSID Bylaw, which can reduce impervious surface and the <br /> amount of parking lots. <br /> The roadway standards and - OSID provide for very wade, ,high <br /> speed roadways. The proposed. change would alter~ the standards by <br /> reducing the travel lane , . s a d, etc. <br /> Page -Mr. Storrs explained the current 09ID Bylaw . is <br /> written in such a way that all architectural pians are submitted <br /> on a multi-family building. he proposed change would allow an <br /> architectural code to govern the development of a building. <br /> Page 8-Mr. Storrs explained that currently single family <br /> residents are not allowed to be transferred into a commercial <br /> -1 - <br />