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theoretically be submitted by petition of the landowner. <br /> Mr. -Storrs explained a section of the land in question had <br /> been carred out as not being primary open space that tracked <br /> against a pr liminary cluster subdivision plan created some years <br /> ago. The open space was placed into primary areas, the lot area <br /> . . was not . The land surrounding the parcel is all primary OSID. <br /> MCLB .is now proposing to define all of the land as primary open <br /> space. <br /> Mr. whritenour asked if the Town Planner agreed with the <br /> previous speaker' s explanation of the situation. <br /> Mr. Fudala responded that currently the entire parcel is <br /> defined as secondary open space as it is located within the <br /> National Wildlife Refuge boundary. If it is to be defined as <br /> primary open space, the numbers will increAse. The Town is <br /> currently in a better position because if MCLP requests more <br /> units, they would have to provide more open space. � <br /> Mr. Storrs stated the clyster subdivision plan is no longer <br /> in existence and there are not going to be houses builtxon the <br /> parcel . He also argued that both the Local. Comprehensive Plan <br /> and the Cape Cod Commission egi 'nal Policy Flan encourage <br /> placing units into a growth center. <br /> Mr.. Fudala clarified the Loc&l Comprehensive Plan also <br /> redommends re-zoning the Neighborhood under discussion to two <br /> acre zoning. <br /> Mr. Ferguson asked what the difference would be between <br /> primary or secondary open space. Mr. Fudala said he had not yet <br /> matte the c lculations, but that he i would inform Mr. Ferguson. of <br /> the ou t c one. <br /> Mr. Fudala said he would like to submit all of the Articles <br /> on Monday, July 13, 1998, which is the deadline, present the <br /> Articles to the Planning Board for discussion on Wednesday, July <br /> 15, 1998, at which point the Selectmen would make a final <br /> decision as to include thea on the warrant or not, or whether or <br /> not to rano d i f y them in any way. <br /> (There was some general discussion regarding submission of <br /> the Articles, Committee endorsement/concerns to be articulated to <br /> the Planning Board. ) <br /> Approval of Minute <br /> Selectman Lei eille suggested the approval of Minutes be <br /> postponed to the next scheduled. Meeting. <br /> Meeting Schedule <br /> It was agreed to schedu].e the next Comftiittee Meeting for <br /> Thursday, July 30, 1998 at : 30 p.m. agenda items-Comments on <br /> -13- <br />