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built on that land. An unrestricted lot for a single family home <br /> would be 2 . 6 . (There was brief discussion regarding assessed <br /> values of Mashpee Connons commercial propert.�es. <br /> lir. Storrs connented the purpose of this Article is tb offer <br /> an .incentive for the creation of parks within the Neighborhoods <br /> of the Master Plan. <br /> Mr. Fu al.a stated that MLP has suggested a minimum size <br /> which has been written in of at least one-half (1/2) acre in 5 <br /> order for the park to qualify. He also included a provision that <br /> credit would only be given upon ,completion of the park/playground <br /> area. <br /> Mr. Chace inquired about Granny ,,Fl.a.ts . Mr. Fudal.a stated <br /> there is a provision vIithin the existing OSID bylaw that allows <br /> for accessory dwellings. <br /> There was some discussion regarding how best to present <br /> these Articles individually, or combined) .. Mr. Fudala stated <br /> his uncertainty as to whether or not the last four Articles <br /> benefit the Town as much as they would the developer. He also <br /> expressed his interest in receiving feedback from Committee <br /> Member•s. <br /> (Mr. Chace left the meeting at this point-8:34 P. 1. <br /> Subsection 174-46 (H) -Currently under the Diced use section <br /> of the bylaw there is .a provision for commercially zoned lana <br /> within a primary or secondary open space area, there is allowance <br /> for one 1. residential unit per acre when calculating transfer~ <br /> bonuses. MCLP has made a request that eight units per acre <br /> be allowed for transfer as commercial property values are higher~ <br /> than residential property values, <br /> Mr. Fudala made it quite clear he is not in 'support of this <br /> Article, but that it reflects the request made by MCLP. He <br /> further stated he reviewed the assessed values of Mashpee Commons <br /> properties located within primary and secondary open space, the <br /> Trout Pond area, and cannot justify the approval of credit for <br /> eight residential units for one of those acres . <br /> Mr. stated he is comfortable with the current bylaw, <br /> or at most, the same number used for the parks Article, being <br /> four residential units per .acre. <br /> Subsection 174-46A-Refers to an amendment to the o ID Map <br /> that changes Mashpee Commons property located on Great deck Road <br /> South from partly pri ar secondary open space to primary open <br /> space, which means the bonus numbers for transfer will be higher. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated the benefit is to the developer, there is <br /> no read benefit to the Town. He also stated this Article could <br /> -12- <br />