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Subsection -Clarifies the Planning Board is allowed to <br /> approve lots smaller than the acre lots required under existing <br /> zoning. <br /> • I <br /> { Allows on-street and shared parking. � <br /> L <br /> Subsection, E (6) -Refers to street standards. Most of the <br /> zoning bylaw standards have. been deleted with references to the <br /> Planning Board Subdivision and Special Permit Regulations . <br /> a .elates t6 the width of parking lanes; <br /> b Relates to sidewalk requirements; <br /> Relates to bicycle path requirements. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated he is in full support of these changes and <br /> recommended the Committee/Selectmen sponsor said Article. <br /> Mr. Fudala stated the next four Articles relate to issues <br /> that would increase the- potential for development over a certain <br /> amount 6f acreage of land. <br /> Subsection 174- 6l -Per request made by MCLP regarding the <br /> number of bedrooms allowed within a unit, and the definition of <br /> "bedroom" . There is c' urrentlya 2 .2 average bedroom limit. MCLP <br /> is requesting the ability to offer space for a home office or <br /> den. The current bylaw, as written, has been derived from the <br /> Title v definition for calculating wastewater flows, would define <br /> that type of space as bedrooms even though that is not the <br /> intended use. <br /> The allowance for one 1 additional room has been added <br /> beyond the 2 . 2 bedrooms for use as a home office, den, workshop <br /> or the like which is prohibited by deed restrictions from being <br /> used as a bedroom. <br /> Nor. Storrs explained that the bylaw states an th-ing other <br /> than a living room, dining room, or kitchen over sixty 60 <br /> square feet is considered to be a bedroom. He did not want a <br /> basement to be considered a bedroom, which is the reason for the <br /> proposed "one additional room,, and a basement n , or 1#basement <br /> space is not to be OLncl ded" . <br /> Mr. Fudala was uncertain as to the interpretation of <br /> basement spade beim considered as a bedroom area. It was agreed <br /> that upon cl.ari.fication, the Article would be appropriately <br /> amended. <br /> 6 MCLP has expres ed an interest in allowing urban parrs <br /> within the project to be considered for credit regarding the <br /> transfer of the creation of residential units. This would <br /> prc5vide four ) residential units per acre for urban parr space <br /> provided within the commercial portion of the project, or a <br /> credit for the square footage of corn er ial that could have been- <br />